Dreams exist

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I'm drowining. Choking. I can't breathe-My eyes widen as I realise that my oxygen supply is running short on my moniter because my tank stopped supplying it.

Where was everyone? Why was I even here? Suddenly, the arrow on my tank neared the zero point and I knew this was it. I closed my eyes and waited for the worst...

"EMILY ANNE RICHARDS, GET UP NOW!" My eyes jerked open at the horrible noise that woke me up. I groaned to see it was only Jamie, my brother and burried my head back in the covers

"IF I'M LATE ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA DO AN HOUR DETENTION ON FRIDAY AND ON FRIDAY I HAVE TO-OWW" My pillow hadn't hurt him that much, but Jamie being Jamie obviously had to complain.

"Shutup Jamie-why did you wake me up at-" "IT'S 8 AM YOU IDIOT, MOVE YOURSELF AND GET READY. NOW!" he half screamed, and half whined. I got up reluctantly, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed


I was so tired, I really couldn't be bothered with school, especially not today. I felt a whoosh of cold air as Jamie barged past me and ran into the school, straight to his form. 

I rubbed my temple as I walked through the school gates after him, my headache wouldn't go away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jenny running towards me.

"Hey Em!" She said brightly but then a look of concern flashed in her eyes "You okay?" I looked up to her and smiled confirmingly

"Yeah I'm great!-How was your summer? I missed you so much!"

I pulled her into a hug and she beamed. "Well Spain was 'brillante' " She emphazied on this spanish word. I rolled my eyes. "How was yours? Stuck at home with Jamie?"

We started walking to our lockers be now. "Ah, well it wasn't that bad-I was with kicker for most of it" Kicker was my adorable dog that was possibly the best thing I owned. I loved him so much, the way his brown eyes and familiar smooth caramel coat of skin would greet me everyday.

I smiled at the thought of him, probably chasing the neighbour's cat or something like that.

I entered my combination into my locker but it wouldn't budge. I rolled my eyes and half-growled in frustration. It was gonna be a very long day.

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