Liam Payns Cousin

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Hiiii I'm the Liam Paynes cousin Tahan Payne!!! I'm 16 years old and I'm a Aussie!! Hehe... Well i shall begin my story mawhaha. Because right now my mother and I are having an argument. I would tell you what about but your a smart cookie you can guess! :)


"UHHH MUM WHY WON'T YOU LET ME SEE LIAM HE IS MY COUSIN AFTER ALL!?!?" I said GUSHH why can't she just be normal and not a freak ass mother? Argh just let me see him...!

"Tahan, honey I don't want you seeing him or his mother. You know what happened remember?"

"MUM SERIOUSLY I REMEBER WHAT HAPPENED!!! THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ME JUST PLEASE LET ME SEE HIM! LIAM AND I WERE SO CLASS BEFORE THE FIGHT!" Now i am majorly annoyed like seriously who wouldn't let their daughter see her cousin whom she close with....

"FINE! TAHAN YOU WANNA SEE LIAAAM SOOO BADLY YOU CAN GO!" Oh hell yeah! The wicked witch said yes! Happy dance oh yeah! Oh yeah! Twerk it like theres no tomorrow! Oh yeah!

"Tahan... Honey, are you feeling okay your dancing and twerking all around the house..?" Omgosh, can't she see it called a happy dance?

"Have you been living under a rock? Its called a happy dance and twerking mother!" Omg. Omg. Omg. I'm going to be in trouble for that...

"Tahan if i live under a rock so do you. Now Tahan you can go if you can pay for your own air fares... You also will pay for a hotal because you cant just walk in there thinking Liam will let you stay okay? If you annoy him to much you can come straight home." WHAT IS SHE CERAL!

"MUM! You won't put some money in for it?" :o oh hell no she didn't!

"Yes, i will not put money in so you can see that cousin of yours." All hell is about to go down.

"That 'COUSIN' of mine is you nephew. But fine if you wanna be that way adios amigo!"

And with that i went and packed a bag and walked out to the taxi i called earlier. Then i went to the airport..


Hellooo! Soo this is my first ever book! Sorry if its crap im tryin im tryin just gotta give me some time :))

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