Marichat ;3

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Marinette wanted to cry. And that's what she did when she got home from school. Today she was going to ask Adrien to do the chapstick challenge with her but he had been swept away by his fangirls asking him before she even had the chance. She felt like a complete loser.

'How am I supposed to ask him when he barely notices me? Am I not pretty enough? Rich enough? At least Chloé and Lila can talk to him without stuttering. Yup I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, am a complete failure.'

Marinette continued to clutch her pillow and sobbed into it until she heard someone open her window from outside. She didn't want to look at that person till she heard their voice.

"Princess? Are you okay?"

She finally looked up and stared at the person. When she did, her eyes were glossy and her cheeks had tear stains. Chat Noir just stared at her for a good minute before he went into her room, closed the window and wrapped his arms around her small figure. Marinette was shocked to say the least but that soon ended when she let out a sob and cried into Chat Noir's arms.

It took a good 10 minutes for Marinette to calm down and her sobs to die down but she still feels like a complete loser. Though she feels comfortable in Chat Noir's arms that's for sure. His embrace was warm and caring and she didn't want to let go.

"Princess.. Is everything alright? Did someone hurt you? Please tell me what happened. I want to help you." She heard pleading in his voice and it just made her want to cry even more but she decided to stay strong. For now.

"Chat.. I'm a loser. I couldn't ask the guy I like to do the chapstick challenge with me, because whenever I'm around him, my face face turns into a tomato, I stutter a lot and I'm clumsy around him.  Not only that, but these two girls also have a crush on him and I'm just pushed aside." Marinette felt tears in the corners of her eyes but continued. "I just feel as if he hardly notices me. I just don't want to see him. In fact, I have no chance with this guy so I give up.."

Chat Noir didn't know what to say. His facial expression was full of concern but inside, he was pissed. He was going to murder the one who hurt his princess then bring him back to life and kill him again by using cataclysm. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and a genuine smile was plastered on his face. The hero had to tell Marinette he was going to leave but only for a bit and come straight back here. But before he did all that he had to ask her.

"Marinette. I have to ask you something." Marinette just stared at the cat who was also her partner in crime. Minus the crime part.

"What is it Chat?"

"I know I'm not your Prince Charming, but I am your knight in shining armor and I can ask you the question if you'd like."

"Chat I'm too young to get married-"

"Will you do the Chapstick challenge with me, my princess?" As he said that, Chat Noir took Marinette's hand and kissed it. He was scared as shit now. He didn't know what to do at this point. It sounded way cooler in his head.

The bluenette looked at him in shocked. He surprised her with this question. She would have never thought that her best friend would ask her this. Then again there was something in his voice that just made her heart melt when he asked her. And the smile that he gave her almost gave Marinette a heart attack.

"Yes. I would love to do the chapstick challenge with you, kitty." The feline hero looked up to see his princess giving him the sweetest smile he has ever seen on a girl. Not even Ladybug, the love of his life, has given him that kind of smile.

"Well then princess. This cat has some shopping to do. I can't kiss my lovely princess without getting her chapsticks now can I? That'd be a catastrophe don't you think?" He kissed her hand and gave her a charming smile.

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