Chapter 1:

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"E, confusion!" I cry out, eyes on her opponent.

The sun pokemon dodges the metal claw and prepares for the attack. Her gem glows brightly as her eyes shine in concentration. The armor bird pokemon withers slightly from her attack. I grimace as Alloy smirks across the field. He's sensing an easy win, but I won't give in that quickly. Espeon and I had trained far too hard to give up before we'd barely begun.

"Face it, Psi, there's no way a psychic type can take my steel types!" he called out, mocking me.

I grind my teeth with frustration. "E, use future sight!"

She leaps out of the way of yet another attack. Skarmory tries to fly higher than her piercing blue eyes can follow, but her mind is too sharp and I know the attack is in place. Her future sight attack is one of her strongest moves, so I just need to keep her in the battle for three turns. Maybe we could have a chance at winning then.

"Skar, use steel wing!"

"Don't let him get close enough, E! Dodge, now!"

I can only see a blur of lavender fur  as she streaks away from his impending attack. She's fast, there's no doubt. I wince as the attack strikes too close, knocking her to the ground. She stands shakily, blinking rapidly in the morning sun. Wait, morning sun! I grin wildly, and her ear flicks back as she waits for my next move.

"Morning sun, now!"

She breathes out a sigh of relief as she's given a moment to regenerate some health. Allen shakes his head- I can nearly feel his plotting atmosphere. Skarmory is circling my pokemon, and I know she only has moments before he descends with his next attack. I feel my heart racing as E's head is lifted to the sunlight that is coating her soft fur. Her split tail is twitching ever so slightly from the energy she's absorbing.

"Peck!" Alloy cries.

I don't have enough time to instruct her to dodge- she moves too quick. I laugh gleefully- she's teleported closer to my opponent, staring directly at me. There are times where I don't even need to tell her what to do, she just understands me. Skarmory recovers his trajectory at the last moment, narrowly avoiding digging his beak into the sand.


Stars shoot from my partners mouth, smashing against the metal coat of Alloy's pokemon. He lets loose a cry of pain and annoyance, landing for once in the battle. Though E has healed herself, they're both panting with exhaustion. Alloy goes to cry another command, but my attack was not finished yet. Skar cries out again, shuddering in agony as an invisible force attacked him. His eyes go wide with confusion, until it dawns on him that I had used future sight. I knew the battle was close now. Skar did not fall, but both pokemon could only handle another hit or so.

"E, use-"

"Fury attack, NOW!" Alloy demands before I can finish.

The onslaught hits E even as she attempts to run. She squeals in a high pitched agonized tone. I gasp as she suddenly falters in step and falls. My heart breaks at the sight. I hate losing, especially with her. We'd trained so hard for so many months... I still couldn't beat Alloy! I direct a glare as I march up to my fallen pokemon. I didn't want to sentence her to being inside her pokeball at this moment.

"Oh, c'mon Psi, don't be like that," he teases me. "Skar and I have been training a tad longer, and we have the advantage!"

"Whatever, Alloy," I roll my eyes.

"E really has gotten a lot stronger. She almost took him out. If you had been just a moment quicker, I think we would've been done for. So, really, you can't blame her for your own slack. Skar, return," he calls out, pokeball in hand.

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