Nothing Is Ever As It Seems: The Story of Little Red

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"Happy 16th birthday Little Red," my grandmother’s voice called out over the phone, "I hope you like your present, it seemed like something you'd wear." I hold up the red and black corseted dress that I had just recently opened. My grandmother had to be the coolest old lady you'd ever met. She felt I should express myself how I wish, unlike my mother who attempted to control everything about me. "I love it Grams, you're great at knowing just what I'd wear." "Well dear, why don't you put it on and make sure it fits, then you should come over. That handsome lumberjack has been asking about you again, and besides I have my homemade cheese cake waiting for you." I smile, she knows I love cheesecake and despise most cakes with a passion that’s indescribable. "Grams, why do you constantly try setting me up with him when you know I am perfectly able to get guys on my own. However, I would love to come over. It’s been far too long." "Great, I'll see you soon then."

I pull on the dress Grams had bought me and look in my full sized mirror. The dress clung to my body with its mostly black material to my waist before loosening to just rest the rest of the way down to my mid-thigh, with red tracing its way through, detailing it and making it seem more interesting. My long red hair went perfectly with the image before me, forcing a smile to cross my lips. Grams had called me Little Red since I was young due to me being the only one in my family to have such fiery hair, which was all thanks to my father from what I'd heard. Most people around these parts had dark hair which made them fit the small town-forest scene, whereas mine made me stick out like a sore thumb. I write a note for my mother, just in case she wonders where I've gone, and leave it on the table as I head out the door.

My grandmother lives in the next town over which isn't too far at all. Many people don't like leaving town due to the surrounding forest, many think it is haunted or believe there are demons who can steal your form living in there, but that is foolish. Plus I have been through there numerous times growing up so I know the way to her house by heart. She doesn't live quite in the next town as much as in the forest itself because she likes her privacy and prefers the sound of birdsong over peoples' voices. I can't blame her too much honestly. Besides her I know of only one other person living in the forest and that is Jason who I've known since I was a kid and is the only lumberjack known within miles of this place. He is the one who helps my grandmother out when she's in need.

I straighten out my knee-high leather boots before I step over the moss claimed fallen tree marking the entrance to the forest. Inside is like entering an entire new world. The cool air wraps itself around you full of the smells of a hundred different plants and the whispering sound of birdsong and the trees talking on the wind. It's peaceful in comparison to in town. I sigh, relaxing a bit, and take to the trail engraved into my mind from childhood.

I pick my way through the forest slowly, not rushing to get anywhere when a shadow from my left catches my eye. I swing around to see what it was but all is still, not a sound can be heard, even the birds’ singing has paused. "My mind must be playing tricks on me, these woods have always been safe, get your head on straight." I whisper to myself, hardly breathing it out as my voice hitches a bit. I keep walking and decide to ignore the screaming in my gut, but walking a bit faster than before telling myself its due to not wanting to keep Grams waiting up for me.

"They say that love is forever, your forever is all that I need. Please stay as long as you need....." I sing softly as I walk, knowing it'll ease my nerves a bit. The more I sing the more I feel myself become at ease, not quite shaking the feeling of being watched but making it faint enough to be bearable. And as happens when most become at ease with somewhere they are familiar my mind begins wandering. Oh gosh, I remember going to this concert with Jason, we had to drive for hours to reach the city so we could see it. That was before I even knew he liked this music, I figured he was just doing me a favor, then this song came on and we sang it together. It was great. I know Grams means well when she suggests me and him are a thing and it’s all in good fun, but what if that's why I've never been able to be with anyone? What if.... A twig snapping makes me whip around in fear, ripping me from thought. "Who's there?" No one responds, of course. "I know you're there so show yourself!" My voice quivers in fear and my eyes dart around instinctively and I finally see it. Behind an old, twisted tree I could make out a lanky shadow. A shadow that looks not quite human but not quite animal either, but something about it screamed predator as if it were stalking some prey unseen. Then it hit me, I was the prey.

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