Arriving At Home

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I arrived home and Me and Romeo are going to tell Victoria and David that we are getting married.
"Mom, Dad we are home." Romeo yelled.
"Okay. Come to the front room." Victoria said.
As we walked into the front room, there was a surprise thing going on and my parents were there... Great not.
"Mom, Dad what are you doing here." I asked.
"We are here to apologies to you for kicking you out and we want to come home or you can move in with the Beckham's and we will visit you every single day." My Mom said.
"Um. I think that I will be..." I said while looking at Romeo for help.
I gave Romeo a nod to tell him to go in the kitchen.
"What should I do Romeo. If I do pick them I won't see you again and if I move in with you I don't know what to do." I said.
"Who do you want to stay with really." Romeo asked.
"I want to stay with you." I said while looking a at my hands.
"Okay. Sorted." Romeo said.
While walking back to the front room Romeo pulled me to the side.
"You made the right choice." Rome said.
"Thanks." I said.
As we was walking back to the front room I just get a sharp feeling in my stomach.
"Juliet, are you okay." Romeo asked.
"Yea I'm fine." I said.
"So what is your choice." Mom said.
"I'm going to stay here." I said.
"Okay that is fine with us." Mom said.
"Oh yea Mom and Dad me and Juliet are getting married." Romeo said.
"OMG I can't believe it." Victoria said.

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