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OML I'm so sorry guys I'm it's been like 4 months since the last update 😭 it's because I'm actually moving and my wifi is really bad also my phone kinda broke and I always update on my phone instead on computer😭😭 I just want to let you guys know and not misunderstand because of the looooong delay you guys have been waiting for and all I can say is that I'm very sorry.. Also fun fact if you guys K-Dramas or K-Pop I might consider writing one about it just comment down what k-Actor/Actress you guys would like me to write..

So far I have Kim So Hyun on my mind.
She's currently 17 this year , she's 5'5 and was an early child actress, the first movie she started in was "The Moon Embracing The Sun" and that's where her acting career started.

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