The Alpha and The Nerd

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Hey hope you enjoy this new story that I came up with in my Global class Hahaha

The Picture on the right is Mia later on in 2 years. But she doesn't look like that in the beginning she'll look nerdy in the beginnning but later on she'll look different so yeah am pretty sure you'll get it when you read further on in this chapter. (:



I got up two minutes earlier than I usually did because I was trying to break my record. I smiled at my self. I walked into my closet and picked out my baggy grey sweatpants and a baggy green shirt with a picture of Zelda on it then I grabbed my large black hoddie and put up my hair in a messy ponytail. I looked around for my glasses, found them and put them on.

"Ugly, hurry the fuck up!!! Were going to be late!!!" My brother Jay yelled at me through my door. No we don't have a funny, cool brother-sister relationship were we call each other mean names for fun and we know were just playing around. Jay really hates me, he's ashamed to call me his sister in front of everybody; he says am ugly and worthless and that am fat and blahh blahh. It used to hurt alot but I don't feel any thing anymore I've grown used to it. I grabbed my bag and put my shoes on and opened the door and went downstairs.

"Hey honey....ohh I see your wearing the same as usual aren't you...." My mom said disappointed in me. I knew she was still waiting for the day when I'd wake up one day and decide to wear mini skirts and a shirt that would show my boobs or something like that. Especially today, today was a special day because our future Alpha Zack was turning seventeen and that meant that he was going to find his mate. I admit I was sad about this because I had a little crush on him even though he made just as much as fun of me as anyone.

"See you later mom" I said and smiled and left with a muffin in my hand. I walked outside and found Jay impatiently waiting for me

"God! You take forever! Why do you have that muffin in your hand!!!Your already fat for god sake don't you have any shame you stupid girl!!!" He slapped the muffin out of my hand and stomped on it with his shoe.

I said nothing as usual.

"Get in the truck in the back, don't want anybody seeing me with you" He muttered as he got in the front.

I climbed in and sat in the back. We made it at Zack's house also known as the pack house.

"Hey man!" Zack said as he climbed in the front with Jay

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