Chapter 14 - THE END!

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I saw Malcolm first as I entered school. He was sat on a brick orange and brown wall that reached his calves if he stood. His legs were dangling over the edge, his school shoes whacking into it with the heels. His hair was scruffy, his tie loose and short, his top buttons undone as if he’d just come out of school let alone gone into it. He wasn’t alone. Emma, surprisingly, was next to him, her legs also dangling, though crossed at the knee, her hair up in a loose bobble, her fringe waving in the wind. Her tie was also loose and small, her top button undone, showing off her neck. They were holding hands and chatting, not stuck to each other for once, though I could talk. They were still together, which was the surprising thing, seeing as Malcolm normally got rid of them quickly.

            Malcolm saw me enter and ushered me over with his spare hand, continuing to talk to Emma with a smile on his face. James and Jamie got there first, going straight into a conversation about acting, or what I could hear anyway. William was quickly there also. Nothing had changed. We knew he was gay. He was still our mate and the only thing that was different was that he had opened up. He no longer was hiding anything from us. He was much more relaxed, that was for sure. It was a good improvement.

            I reached them and William gave me a tight hug. They were all looking at me with worried expressions on their faces. All the conversation stopped and Malcolm jumped off the wall to stand with his hands in his pockets, watching me. I hadn’t really had the chance to talk to any of them after the party. It had been trouble for my dad to remove me from Gabriella’s grasp. I’d been knackered when I’d got home and had gone straight to bed, asking Mum to say that I was sleeping if anyone called.

“You alright, mate?” Malcolm asked quietly and searched my face.

“Yeah.” I shrugged my shoulders and bounced onto the wall, their eyes following me.

“You don’t have to hide it.” James said and adjusted himself on his feet.

“It’s bad to keep things inside you.” William put his hand to his heart.

“I’m fine, you guys.” I insisted and took out my phone, looking at the screen.

They weren’t convinced.

“What happened last night?” Emma asked, glancing at Malcolm, who squeezed her hand encouragingly, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb.

“Nothing.” I answered simply and placed my phone back in my pocket.

“Come on, mate. It’ll be alright.” Malcolm patted my shoulder sympathetically.

“I know.” I gave him a smile. He looked confused.

“We all know you’re hiding behind a mask, Nicolas. It’s okay. Let it out.” James added and continued to watch me.

            Anna joined us, then, her hair waving around near her elbows. She smiled at me and jumped back up the wall and next to me. Her hair tickled my arms as I loosened my tie like Malcolm’s and the rest of my mates and unbuttoned two buttons.

“Hello.” She said and gave me a sad smile.

“Hey.” I smiled back properly.

“Nicolas just tell us…” James began. I cut him short.

“James nothing happened.” I was starting to get annoyed.

“Nicolas? Are you okay?” Anna touched my arm. I put my hands in my lap and looked at the sky.

“Yes I’m fine.” I said and clicked my tongue.

“You sure?”

Yes! For God’s sake, I’m fine!” I growled and bounced off the wall, my fists in a ball.

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