The Way Out

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Never again. 

Never again will I give love to people who just ignore me.

Never again will I let myself be trampled upon or ganged up on.

It's time for a change.


"Congratulations, Elizabeth"  says the Prinicipal with a fake smile plastered on her face. I knew she couldn't help it though. She had to put on a show for everyone in this room, even if it means giving a sheet of paper with writing on it to most students who don't really deserve to be meritted. If you question my school card, then, yes I could be one of those undeserving folk. But grades are just grades. They don't fully define a person. Some teachers tell you that we are the ones who heavily influences our own grades and more importantly our own futures. What they don't say is that, even if that is mainly true, they still have the power to give or take, which may be the crucial rise or fall of our grade. 

As I head on over to my seat, in the middle of the sea of seniors that I probably won't ever get to see again, I looked around for familiar eyes. I saw him, I saw them. But they didn't see me. They were busy with there own little thing.

Being the optimistic person that I am, I thought "It's okay, we'll all celebrate together later on anyway, what am I fussing about?" But some feeling in my gut was trying to get my attention. I ignored it.



Everyone was screaming it out, dancing about and tearing up just about everywhere you look. From left to right, you wouldn't see anyone not driven by the notion of finally leaving these wretched halls. We all went and made a circle as we cheered our hearts out. Well they made a circle, I was actually jumping outside of it trying to fit myself in. Curse this height of mine.

With that little fiasco, I decided to move on over to the refreshments table. 
"Oh hey, Eli," I smiled right before I looked at him. "Dave!" He smirk at me for a bit before he went over to my side to grab a cup of punch himself. 

"Party's nice huh?" I yell over the loud speakers.
"Yeah, can't believe we'll all be going our sperate ways now," he yelle back.
"So, Dave, since it's our last few days....." I hinted at him slightly.
"Uh...I got you a farewell gift!" Maybe this would refresh his memory. I got him a really nice leather bracelet with little metallic details. He loves those.
"Thanks, Eli, you're the best." He took it in his hand and studied it for a moment the popped it on his wrist. 
"Well what?"
"After all this time, Dave? Really?" I am secretly hoping and praying that he's acting like he doesn't know anything or doesn't have anything. I mean we haven't even kissed and we've been dating for several months now? It could be a kiss please.

"What are you talking about, Eli?" he asked. 
"You know exactly what I'm talking about, David." I feel my grip on the paper cup get tighter.

"You really want to have this conversation now?"
"Well when do you plan on having this conversation, huh?" my voice was getting louder now.

"Eli, please, people are starting to stare...." he muttered under his breath. "Why don't you have a few drinks and just forget about everything okay?" 
Forget about everything? How can he say that when he doesn't even make an effort to remember any of the things he should be doing in this relationship? if this even counts as a relationship. You can't forget if you don't even have something to forget.

"Forget about everything?...." I sighed. "Honestly Dave, you always make me feel I'm not even a girl. Screw that! like I'm not even a proper person. You just want me to what? Just go on with my life not caring that you don't do shit for me at all? We're in a relationship, Dave. A relationship means two people, not just one "making it work". I-.....You know what, Were through." That was it, the final straw, I couldn't take it anymore. I noticed that we've caused quite a scene now, Almost everyone within earshot was looking our way. I was on the verge of tears. Dave just stood there frozen in shock.

"What the hell, Eli, calm down, you're ruining the party vibe!" Marge, the bitch, said in an elaborate attempt to get the crowd's attention and make me look positively evil. Everyone began shaking their heads at me. so called friends. 

"I....I...uh..." with that I ran off. I ran toward my car until my knees buckled beneath me and my feet ached with such intensity from wearing 5 inch heels. I stood up and opened the car door. I looked back at the garden area where people were still scattered an having the time of their lives.

They never loved you properly, you know. They always left you and never been guilty about it. They always neglect to include you in most gatherings. And you wanna know why?

I didn't give that little voice in my head the permission to continue, but I know he's right.

I don't need them in my life. Wait a few more years, then I'll be far better than these bitches.

I hopped in my car, as I felt a little gut feeling forming. It was uncomfortable, but I chose to ignore it. With the rearview mirrow, I let myself take a quick glance back.

Never again. I promise myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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