New Hope

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Ms. Blake handed us each a dish, some scissors, tweezers, and a frog. Everyone in the class sat there and examined the items we got put on our table. Surprised looks formed on everyone's faces as we saw the gooey, slimy, dead frog set in front of us.

Jared and I sat face to face to dissect the frog. You could see a smile forming on his face as he messed with the dead creature on the table. He first wraps his hands around the frog itself and I take the scalpel to cut it open. We open up the frog and take out its heart, liver, lungs, intestines, and everything else. I was honestly frightened by this.

He puts the parts of the frog on a napkin as we study the animal and write about each parts functions, and how they relate to humans.

We didn't talk much because we were so focused on our work, so instead we worked on our lab papers.

After we both turned in our work. He smiles at me.

"Hey cutie.", He says blushing.

"Oh, hello...", I reply with a smirk.

"That lab was great wasn't it huh?", he says, this time with a smirk forming as our eyes meet.

"Yeah, I guess. So how's band doing? You play French horn during concert season right?", I reply, asking with some emphasis.

"I prefer marching band, but yeah it's great.", he says smiling this time.

Within minutes the bell rings, it's time to go to our next class... Band.

"Is this real?" A transgender love storyWhere stories live. Discover now