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I waited for her short ass to walk out of her work place she going to give a reason why she avoiding me. ..I hate to be played with

So why you been iggy me baby...I asked wrapping my arms around her shoulders

Boy I definitely haven't been iggy you I been busy she said pushing my arm off her

So why haven't you been replying to my text seem to me you scared of me I'm not going to hurt you unless you want me to throw you in the lake

I haven't been ignoring you and I ain't scared of nothing ,no one so kill that

So I can get my date then since you not scared

Hey baby...the lady I seem walking down the street the other day said coming up to us

Hey momma girl you look good you wearing that dress mom. ..she wasn't lying either that dress caught all them curves god Lord

Thanks baby who your friend her mom asked giving me the side eye

Hey I'm Shawn nice to meet you I said grabbing her hand ,I see where your daughter get her beauty from ...I said Pecan was mugging me

Awwwlll thank you handsome I'm Miss Sheena but may I ask what do you want from my daughter

A date but she keep ignoring me I done tried everything in my power to get her to say yes I even come to her job to make sure she safe but she still iggy me

Well she'll accept....Miss Sheena said I saw Pecan eyes go wide

But mommy are you serious you can't be

Don't but momma me Pea stop being rude when this young man just trying to get to know you

Ok fine you can take me out but remember what I said ..she said rolling her eyes I see it only have to take her mom permission

Ok cool we going to have fun I said smirking

Well you guys see you later nice meeting you sir have a nice day love you Pea Pea ...Miss Sheena said walking away

Boooyyyy your mom fine as hell I could have been your stepfather

Yeah Whatever

Man this why you taking so long Pecan I saw your momma and girl she make me want to leave the one I'm with yes Jesus ...Tony said dancing like Usher in the middle of the mall

Bruh chill out I said shaking my head looking up seeing Diamond and Paris approaching us ...

Hey y'all what's up Diamond said standing next to PECAN ...with everybody ignoring her

I said hellloooooo Diamond said waving her hand in the air

Oh what's up Diamond everybody spoke except for Pecan

Y'all going to the club tonight ...she asked we all nodded our head expect for Pecan I could feel the tense

I heard it supposed to be lit ...Paris said slapping hands with Diamond while laughing

So y'all two going ...Tony asked frowning his face

Duh VIP section they both said laughing. ..goofy ass

Diamond glance at Pecan so I pulled Pecan arm telling her to come here...I could see the angry in Diamond face

You okay I asked Pecan

Yeah I'm fine just about to go get something to eat then head home to my niece

Where you getting something to eat from ,you going to buy me something I ask licking my lips

I don't know I might go to the Jamaica spot and no I'm not but you can pay for us she said laughing as I was tickling her side

Diamond cleared her throat we both looked at her..well Pecan just scrunched her nose up at her

PROBLEM, Diamond asked rolling her eyes

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