Chapter 2

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An- I just want to say thank you to everyone that commented, voted, fanned, and read the first chapter!  That includes the silent readers as well!  I would love to hear your thoughts so far and any suggestions or questions you may have.  Thanks Again!


Picture of Roxanne =================>


I don't know how long I'd cried for, but my throat was sore and my makeup was completely gone. I stood up on my shaky legs and wobbled over to the sink. Once again, I splashed some cool water on my face. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. Who is this girl? Certainly not me. She looked tired and defeated. Sure, physically she was still gorgeous because of the dress and shoes and pretty hair. But if someone were to really look in her eyes, they would see that there's nothing left in them. Who was I kidding? This is no stranger. This girl is me. I felt more tears forming, and I blinked to stop them. "No more crying, Roxanne." I told myself. I needed to get out of here. I made my way out the door and toward the nearest exit. Once the warm summer air hit my face, I started to feel a little better. 

" look like shit." I turned to see Marcus leaning against the wall, taking a puff from his cigarette. Ugh! I can't deal with him right now. 

"You're looking quite dashing yourself." I stood with my arms crossed and waited for the valet to get my car. 

"Leaving so soon?" He took another drag and waited for me to answer. I tried not  to inhale. 

"If you're going to talk to me, you need to put that out." Marcus dropped the cancer stick and raised his hands in surrender. 

"Not a fan of nicotine?" 

"No, not really." He nodded and took a step closer. 

"Why are you leaving early?" He really never let's up!  

"I'm tired. I've been up since five am prepping the bride, and the venue, and I'm just...tired. As much as I would love to stay and see them off, I can't. I need to get home before I pass out." What is taking that damn valet so long? 

"Well, you already missed their send off." What? That can't be true. They weren't supposed to leave for another thirty minutes. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, finally fully facing him. 

"The bride and groom left about an hour ago. I've been out here ever since." I took a deep breath. "Ariel was looking for you. she wanted to say goodbye, but James couldn't wait." I closed my eyes. So he'd taken off after crushing me. He was so afraid I'd talk that he wouldn't allow Ariel to say goodbye. 

"Son of a bitch!" I shouted, not caring where I was anymore. When I opened my eyes, Marcus was looked unfazed by my outburst. 

"You know, it was really weird." I waited for him to continue. "I saw you go into the bathroom, and so did he. Lots of shouting and crying, then he waltzes out and kisses Ariel like he's got something to prove and they go riding off into the sunset in their 'just married' limousine." I deserved that. I mean I told him I loved him on his wedding day, how disrespectful is that? I shook my head and laughed. "I thought we weren't going to say anything to them?" He was angry. The hurt on Marcus' face is indescribable. "If you love them, let them go. Let them make their mistakes and be there for them so that they can see how much you care." His voice rose with each word. He took a step toward me and I instinctively stepped back. "Those were your words, were they not?" Marcus hissed. 

"They were, but believe me when I say I had to try." Marcus scoffed. He shook his head and began to walk away. He couldn't get upset with me. He didn't have the things I did to fight for. "You have no idea what I was forced to give up tonight!" I yelled at his retreating back. He kept walking and it only angered me more. "I spoke to him because I had to, not for my own personal gain!" 

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