Chapter 1- Huntress

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    As I descended the staircase into Hell I was positive my latest kill would rise me in the ranks high enough to join the Elite hunters. As I shrugged the pelt of the Cerberon into a better position on my shoulder, I wondered what reward my father would grant me for bringing it in. Despite being Satan's daughter that doesn't mean I get special privileges when it comes to moving up in the ranks. In fact, I had to work twice as hard to do it. I mean, yeah, I did get special weapons and my own hellhound, but he's my father so he's supposed to do that.

   I guess before I delve deeper into my story I should probably tell you a few things about myself and the world I live in. My name for starters is Ember Iris Skyes. I have my mothers last name because my father doesn't have one. My mother was an angel, a good one, not like the ones here in Hell. My father is Satan the ruler of Hell. My mother died a few days after I was born for unknown reasons. As far as I know I'm the only half-demon, half-angel in existence.

    Since I was old enough to walk my father has trained me in the arts of combat. When I was 13 I joined the revered group of dark angels and demons, known as the Hunters, that work for my father. Now 16, I have been quickly rising through the ranks. In what takes most members 10-15 years I have accomplished in a mere three years. I give partially credit to my unusual abilities. Because of me being a mixed breed I have a fairly unusual abilities such as the power to turn into a wolf and a falcon.(Both are copper colored.) I also have a very unique appearance, I have the black feathered wings of a dark angel, the honey colored skin like a light angel, waist-length black hair and the color changing eyes of a demon.

    Before I continue my story I want to clear up a misconception about Hell. Most people think Hell is all fires and burning but thats not true. Its a lot like the rest of the world, just a lot more dangerous and is inhabited by 'evil' supernatural like dark wolves and demons. (Dark wolves are evil werewolves that practice dark magic.)

    Know to continue my story. It all started with a simple order from my father . . . . .



Dear readers sorry for the horrible beginning I don't know how to start off. Hope you keep, reading I promise it gets better. Cerberons are offsprings of Cerberus, the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell

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