chapter two

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When the train had arrived at hogshead station Alexandria was jumping out her blond hair was flying everywhere and her plain black robes were perfect in Remus's eyes, Alexandria fell into a girl with red wavy hair and caring green eyes, she stood up with Remus's help and looked over to the girl who was being helped up by a boy with greasy black hair and black obsidian eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Alexandria apologized and dusted herself off James, Sirius, and Remus snikerng in the background,she looked back to glare at the boys who instantly shut up, Sirius and James both glared at he greasy haired boy as soon as they noticed the boy, who just glared back while the two girls were talking.

"Oh it's okay honestly I'm Lily, Lily Evans" Lily said and smiled until she noticed Severus glaring at the two boys he had told Lily about, the ones who pranked him. Alexandria just smiled her beautiful smile and shook Lily's hand.

"And I'm Alexandria Wood nice to meet you Lily"Alexandria said and smiled along with Lily, Lily's hand

"Snivellus" Sirius seethed under his breath as James laughed along with him, Alexandria noticed the boys and glared at them then she smiled at lily and Severus.

"come on Severus " Lily said and drug off Severus, lily looked back and glared at the two boys. Severus just smirked and walked away behind Lily.

As the kids walked to the boats that led them to the castle Lily and Alexandria were talking about houses and which one the other wanted to be in, James and Sirius were talking about how much fun it would be to skydive, and Remus was left to walked in the back watching Alexandria Peter caught him staring and nudged his shoulder.

"you fancy her don't you? " Peter asked and smirked at Remus's surprised face as Remus laughed and said no he thought to himself and I never can.......

"Okay then if that's what you say Remus" Peter said and laughed at Remus's exasperated face, Remus himself was scared if he did fancy Alexandria all would go down the drain I mean he couldn't fancy her he was a monster, particularly the one who caused her to be a monster, Alexandria handles being a monster different than he does I mean she got to live ten happy years before the wolf but he didn't get one the three he wasn't a monster everyone in his family was scared and dying.

"Shut it Pete" Remus said and walked off to Alexandria as Peter stood in the background laughing because he knew Remus fancied Alexandria he talks in his sleep, Peter had noticed, Peter the overweight eleven year old, Peter the sandy brown haired blue eyed boy, The boy who also loved Alexandria but as a sister, Remus was the opposite.


"Wood, Alexandria" McGonagall yelled as she looked at the blonde haired girl, McGonagall knew of the girls problems she knew about her lycanthropy She knew about how her parents hated her.

Oh a new Wood I remember you're parents Oliver and Juliana I don't think you'd do good in there house I mean you have Slytherin traits but you are a gryffindor what do you think

"Gryffindor!!! " the hat yelled and Alexandria went to sit beside Remus and Sirius, James in front of her beside Lily who was rolling her eyes at the boy Alexandria giggled which set off Sirius who set off Remus who set off Peter who set off James and Marlene one of Alexandria's fellow pure blood.

All in all Alexandria had a good night........

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