Dare 1

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Caome: so who goes first.. No one fine I'll go first. *grins*

Caome: well I dare Nina, miku (the duchess), and Jeff to do seven minutes in heaven

Jeff: ^no they are there^ uhh okay

(Yep Jeff doesn't like them

While in the closet

Nina: this is a kissing game isn't it?

The duchess: yeah but..... Awkward...

Jeff:well so it won't be awkward...*jeff kisses Nina after kisses miku*

While the others

Ben: WAT THE FUK?? Well thanks caome for putting a camera there

Caome: I know that this will happen so... *whispers* Ok seven minutes is done lets open it heh

Jane: *opens closet* well times up you three

Caome: *stops the camera and saves the video* oh so what happened..

Nina: nothing *blushes*

All creepypasta except Nina miku and Jeff: YOU GUYS KISS DIDNT YOU

Nina miku Jeff: *blushed......*

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