The Sparkle Party (Fairy Tail)

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It was a normal day in Magnolia. Canon charcters off battling some amazing battle of the generation while the cool...ocs...stay behind... ANYWAY. We shall let this story take off with Mikasu because he's my charcter and this is my first story. Expect alot of grammer-fucking

Mikasu was walking through the breezy but hot wind of the street, with a brisk pace towards his apartment. He even counted his steps to pass the time and keep his mind busy when he didn't think about his bad decisions and Lucy. While walking through, he come to pass the park with that one big ass tree in the middle. He seen Nina climbing all around the tree with a measuring tape. She looked over and seen her...step-cousin and gave a wave "HEY MIKASU!" She yelled across the park, through the occupants of the houses around which gave inquisitive expressions toward the brown-haired girl with the eye that seemed to sparkle all the time. She then get a sudden shocked expression as Mikasu smiled and asked "What are you doing?"
Before he could blink, she through the measuring tape which clocked him between the eyes making his land on his ass "DONT LOOK! GO AWAY! ITS NOT READY!!!" She yelled urgently. Mikasu didnt question it as he ran away before she could throw her barrels of sparkles at him. Wait...why would she have that...oh yeah, because she's Nina of course. As he ran with a hand over his slightly bleeding nose. Nashi slithered in the way and tripped him, making him trip and bust his face on the ground. He laid there in silent pain "..."
Nashi shot up and grabbed Mikasu by the collar, lifting him up somehow with a frying pan in her other hand "Hey Mikasu!" She let him go so he could get his feet on the ground "Watch where ur steeping next time or you might end up having ur first kiss with my frying pan." She said...half-jokingly.
"I always get hurt by girls" He mumbled. Not noticing the figure behind him "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT A PARTY FROM NINA?!" Chibiki popped out from behind Mikasu and gave him a questionable stare. "Nobody said anything about that!" Mikasu said defensivly. As Nashi seemed to get sudden interest. "I'LL SPREAD THE WORD!" She ran off and slithered with Chibiki running behind her "NO! IT WAS A SURPRISE. NINA IS GOING TO KILL ME!" They disappeared in a crowd of people who gathered from the encounter. Leaving Mikasu in nothing but a bloody nose and sparkles from Chibiki. He groaned "Another party? These always end up in some type of fanfiction" He sighed and made his way home. Glad to not have any more encounters. He plopped down on his bed with a napkin to wipe his nose as he soon fell asleep with whiskey as his companion

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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