Diamond Murders

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The Diamond Murders

                                                            The Diamond Murders



By Donalde

Detective Andrew Martin had been in the homicide division of the Baltimore police force for twelve of his seventeen years in law enforcement.

For the most part he loved his job except for the kind of cases that he was currently working on.

There was a string of unsolved murders the last count was ten that was driving him nuts.

The problem was that the deaths had several things in common, they were all young healthy males, all of them had been drained of blood, and each of them had had a set of puncture marks that looked as if they were made by large bore needles that were surrounded by bright red lipstick.

The similarities didn’t end there, all of the victims were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight and all of the deaths occurred around four AM after apparently having sex.

There was also no evidence that any of them struggled and there was no evidence of a robbery.

The first victim had about 500.00 in cash on him; even his credit cards were still in his wallet as were the cash and credit cards of each subsequent victim.

As it stood, the murders were occurring every four to five nights and the bodies were always found in plain view of passersby in the inner-city although each of them had rented a hotel room the night before their death.

This struck Andrew as odd because three of the men lived alone and wouldn’t have needed to rent a hotel room.

There had been no witnesses to the murders or the body dumps and in the cases of the males who had been out with friends no one could recall when or with whom the male had left the club. In one case, the club video equipment had actually been working and caught the victim leaving the club. The odd thing was that it appeared as though he had his arm around someone but the image of the person was missing.

The frustrating thing was what Andrew considered to be was the lack of evidence; there were a few long black hairs, the lipstick left on the skin, which the lab guys said, was custom made and the vaginal secretions of a female.

The lab also said that there was some type of anticoagulant around puncture marks.

“We don’t know what in the hell it is.” Bill said, “I can tell you that it’s even more potent than heparin but not only that, you know that we have samples of vaginal secretions and hair.”

“Yeah and?”

“We can’t get any DNA from any of it. I won’t lie to you.” Bill said, “In all of my years on the job I’ve never seen anything like it.”

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