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2 weeks later
I opened the door to get inside meghan was in the kitchen cooking a pot of Mac n cheese, looks good! I yelled to her.
You need to clean your room, said meghan in a sassy voice.
Okay. I said tired from the hot summer day.
Can I do it tomorrow. I said.
Sure! As long as you get it clean! Said meghan.
Yes! I said in my mind.
I layed on the couch waiting for Mac n cheese. I went on YouTube and watched the videos with me and Joey.
He was very nice!
Come on faith! Said meghan. Supper is ready!
I rushed to get a bowl for my food.
Meghan stopped and grabbed my hand.
Me first! She yelled sarcasticly.
Wow meghan. I said pooped from the days fun.
You can call me mom. Said meghan.
Okay "mom". I said funnily.
Okay " daughter" said meghan.
I love you said meghan looking me in my crystal blue eyes.
I love you! I said bopping her nose.
She smiled and gave me a bowl from the cabinet.

I grabbed my tablet from the couch and ran to my room.
YouTube time I whispered quietly.
I sat on my bed and watched Joey graceffa vlogs, most from conventions. Those are my favorite.
I saw myself in his vlog.
It's me! I squealed.
Meghan heard me and I heard a chuckle from the other room.
"I love you to the moon and back" I whispered.

adopted by Meghan trainor.Where stories live. Discover now