Finding the perfect dress

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Kendall's POV
I was wondering who is that special someone that Stella knew. I was running my fingers through the dresses of Stella's cupboard. She sure did have many nice dresses, of course, her boyfriend or husband Harry is so rich. Definitely she would be having such expensive designer dresses. One particular dress caught my eye. It was a blue half thigh length one. It was a one with half sleeve but the shoulder part was cut. I felt so gorgeous in this. I said to myself," Yes! This is the one! I love it!" I threw my old clothes on the loot and wore this new one. After that I wore a diamond necklace and matching earrings to it. I did my makeup, I put light skin colour blush, and light pink lipstick. My look was simple but sweet. I was not one of those divas who only care about makeup. I picked black four inch high heels to go with my dress. As I made my way down, I noticed Harry in a black suit, he sure was a good looker. As his eyes say me, his jaw dropped. I was blushing feeling he thought I looked good. As soon as he was about to say something the doorbell rang. He went to answer it with a dimpled smile. I saw.............

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