Terri and Becky (how they meet)

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© CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

This is the original story and has not been modified, if anyone can come up with a better blurb or cover feel free to email me.

Edited by PSbabygirl

AN: The start of this story is retrospective and begins at the same time as Chapter 11 of Kiss of the Moon.

Terri and Becky (How they meet)

Terri sighed to herself as she looked out at the beautiful forest around her destination. She didn’t really want to go to a mating ceremony but her elders had been insistent that she go and meet this new Alpha; they felt that she was important or would soon be. This event will only remind her that she was still alone, that she had yet to find that special someone. It wasn’t that she was unattractive. Her bronze locks were cut in a shoulder length do, which was easy to maintain. Her body was long and lean with a very light tan, a testament to her highland roots and of an outdoor life style. Her features were soft with only slight definition; her eyes however, were her most intriguing feature: her right eye was green while her left was blue, with a small distinct spot of brown below the pupil. So consequently, people always stared at her eyes but she was used to it.

She watched the manor appear on the horizon, it was teaming with people. She closed her eyes as the chatter of people’s minds filled hers almost to the point of being painful; she took a deep breath and pushed it back. All Were were telepathic but they had to broadcast their mental voice in order to be heard. She, however, could hear everything all the time: every thought that passed through every person’s head within a two-mile radius, the people closest to her being the loudest. It had almost sent her mad until she had learnt to push the voices away. When asked to describe her ability once, she had described her world as a turbulent ocean, the ocean being the minds of all those around her and she was in the middle of that ocean with heavy weights attached to her body, dragging her under the moment she stopped fighting against the weight of the minds against her body.

She ran her fingers through her hair when she had control over the roar in her mind. Her driver glanced back and ran his eyes over her as she crossed her jean-clad legs. She caught his look and let her eyes meet his with a glare that clearly meant for him to take his eyes off her. His eyes dropped and he quickly concentrated on his driving. He pulled over and popped the trunk as people came to get her bags and let her out of the car.

A woman approached with a very official looking clipboard. Terri straightened her jacket and stretched while the woman waited for her to get comfortable. “Terri Fletcher.” She introduced herself as she finished stretching, her accent thick but easily understood.

“I’m Anna and I’m in charge of making sure everyone is comfortable.” Anna scanned the page then flicked it over. Her eyes landed on Terri’s name; she had been placed in the basement with some of the other female Alphas so as not to stress out the women Roberto was bringing. “You’re in room three in the basement of the manor.” Anna pulled a piece of paper from the clipboard. “This is a map of the accommodations, there are some posted on the walls and don’t hesitate to ask anyone with a blue arm band for assistance.”

“Thank you.” Terri replied as she took the piece of paper.

Anna turned to the man carrying Terri’s things, “Manor basement, room three.” He nodded and turned to head into the manor.

Terri started to follow him but was distracted when she saw Wolfgang trying to grab a woman who was playfully hiding behind Roberto and teasing Wolfgang. The gorgeous blonde-haired woman with sparkling blue eyes captivated Terri.

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