Chapter 1 •• The Start

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Sup bros!!

Welcome to my first book!

((It is a short story :D))

Hope you like it!!


[In the beginning]

He, England, was exploring in the pacific ocean, looking for more land. He found me.

Him and his people gave us food, and treated us with respect.

Most of them did any way.

The ones that didn't, beat us when we stood up for something, or someone.

When we didn't agree.

He never saw this happening.

He thought we were all happy.

He was wrong.

One morning, after waking up in the ferns, they grabbed me, roped me up and dragged me off. They questioned me, and whenever I gave them the answer they didn't want, they would hit me. Of course he never saw, or knew that this was happening. These were the greedy soldiers, who wanted what he had, power, but they wanted to jeprodise that power, not for good.

They hit me thirteen times across my face with their hard, cruel hands and over my arms with their sharp blades. They cut my beautiful hair and teased me, saying I looked like a boy with my thick eyebrows and different jaw. Some would try to sexually harass me. I seemed 13 at the time, but like any country, I wasn't and the leader of this little savage group would not allow them to "do such a thing to a little girl", thank god. I live tied up to a tree for almost a month, being let out in the daytime, heavily monerted and dragged back to the tree at night, fed whenever they had extras.

They fell asleep one night, all of them; as well as the night guard. I sat silently, fiddling with the rope around my raw wrists. I heard a rustling coming from a near by fern bush. I saw two beady eyes and long wavy brown hair, very well camouflaged.

"I'm here to save you." A young, sweet voice said. The dark figure walked up to where my hands were tied up on the other side of the tree. A light caught the knife she held, as she sawed though the rope, careful not to get my hands or wrists. With a jolt of relief, the rope came lose and I tried to rub my wrists, only to feel a sharpening pain when I did. I took a quick, quite gasp, trying not to disturb the guards.

"Come on," the voice said again "We'll tend to your wounds." We rushed of silently together, me and the shadow girl.


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