1. Vagitus

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It was safe to say, in the young Kingdom of Rikar, that there had always been stress, but never quite as much as there was now. With Queen Anades Guillotte having come into power, there had been many changes, many for the greater good, but not to the people's tastes. One of those very decisions, would spark the start of the first, and quite possibly, most intense revolution the young country would ever face. That decision, although one of equality, was hardly favored by people ruled more so by fear than their loyalty or trust to their queen, as fair as she might have been.

This decision, was to make the dranude an equal race within the kingdom. No more could they be oppressed or treated as harshly as they had been in the past without recompense. They had all of the same rights as the humans, elves, or even the lycans. There were many who thought this was best, outside of the dranude, but there were just as many who feared the Dranude, and believed it was the wrong choice.

You see, the dranude or a fierce race believed to be related to the distant draconics of the land's history and mythology. They were only recently discovered, and are shifters much like the lycans, but they're differences are, if faced with a certain type of blood that runs through humans and elves alike, the dranude can go savage in their feral forms. They're dangerous like this, and have been known to take many lives before they can be put down. The fear of this happening has risen people's beliefs that they shouldn't be treated as equals, especially with Rikar's population majority being human.

Yet, Queen Anades chose to go forth with the law anyways. It was risky, but her belief that equality should come first became the more important thing to her than all of her people's favor. She herself believes and hopes that in time, they will come to see this decision as being the right thing. Little did she know, that it would lead into one of the greatest turmoils the young country would ever see.


The streets of the capital were full and busy. Guards and common folk alike pressed together, running their rounds around the streets of Westray. There were patrols of militia that passed through as well, which caught the eye of many passersby. Certainly, it wasn't uncommon to see soldiers in the capital, after all the Knight-Commander and majority of the military was stationed here, however what was so odd were these weren't the Knight-Commander's soldiers. These were all dranude soldiers, which there had been a severe lack of up until recently.

They each brandished polished armor with either the Sirencester or the Kameeraska crests imprinted along their left breast or shoulder. There was no question as to who's troops they were. Especially when a familiar, green skinned dranude, General Helles Messori, brought up the rear of their march, followed by a taller, red hued man, General Proctus Des Vaux.

The two men were well known for very different reasons. Helles was rather loved, at least, as much as a dranude can be around here. He was respectful and charming, alongside being charismatic and he'd lead his troops well over the years. Whereas Proctus, although being the senior of the two, and as good as, if not better, a leader than Helles, was feared for one thing, the infestation. It was a hereditary trait from his father, the Knight-Captain. It intensified his "hunger", making his possibilities of turning savage even without the taste of blood even more possible, nevertheless, it also acted as a strength enhancer, making him even more dangerous than an average dranude. It was this fear that kept him behind Helles, despite his excellent reports from the field.

The troops cut through the center of the city, halting only when the reached the wide staircase leading up to the elegant iron gates of the city's very own Aedon Palace. As the soldiers parted to allow their generals to pass between them, the gates leading into the palace slowly swung open, revealing Queen Anades Guillotte along with her first sentinel, Cygan Lascaris.

Cygan was an intimidating item at the gentle queen's hip. He might not be as tall as most highlander dranude, but he was stout and stoic, and still towered over most humans. His horns curled back over his head and his hair was always slicked back at least partially, letting those piercing violet eyes be seen as they picked out people in the crowd.

As they reached the bottom of the steps, Proctus dropped to his knee, followed by Helles as they both lowered their heads and placed their clawed hands over their left breast in a formal bow. At the formality, the queen cracked a gentle smile and let out a soft chuckle which she covered with her hand before returning the gesture with a small curtsy.

"Please, generals," she started, gesturing for them to stand. "Rise and join us in the main hall. The others are already waiting for us to join them," she invited with a wave of her hand. She turned around, beginning to make her way back into the castle's shelter, however, she paused and glanced over her shoulder just as the two dranude were standing. "And by all means, let your men rest for now," she ordered, turning away to go inside, Cygan stepping after her, and leaving the generals to turn to their men and order them at ease. As the troops dispersed, Proctus gestured for Helles to take the lead before following after, only to have the gates clang shut behind them as they stepped beyond their grasp.


The castle was a looming structure, with three distinct towers rising up to a point above the rest of the cities, and stained glass windows loomed all around, shining colors of all kind out at night, and in throughout the day. It drew a beautiful contrast through the dark stone of the castle's gothic halls. Trudging down the decorative halls, Helles was stood, making small talk with Anades while Cygan and Proctus strode behind them, remaining quiet and merely listening in to the other two.

Finally, they came to a large set of doors in which Anades pushed open with a graceful flourish from practice. Through the doors, there was a long table now filled with people, only three chairs left open. Sitting at the table, were many familiar faces, all drawn to attention. Starting along the left side, was Peacekeeper Sorse the Unending, Guard Captain Kytte Capeci, and the Lycan Ambassador Vettias Saguna. On the right side sat Knight-Commander Serge Des Vaux, and the Human Ambassador Stephen Goode.

Anades made her way around the table to it's head, taking a seat whereas Cygan remained standing faithfully at her side. After sharing a look under the scrutinizing and curious gazes of those gathered, the remaining Dranude took their seats, Proctus beside of Stephen, and Helles at the end of the table which was opposing Anades.

The heavy hush that had fallen over the table was broken by Sorse who leaned forward and cracked a crooked smile towards Helles and Proctus. "It's good to see the both of you and your men arrived safely," she greeted, the tanned skin around her eyes wrinkled with the action and her smile lines filled out. The woman was an old friend to both Helles and Proctus, she'd been a guiding hand for Helles when he was first starting out, along with Proctus.

"Thank you, General," Helles responded, earning a firm nod from Sorse.

An interruptive cough cut any response the Peacekeeper had off. All eyes lifted towards the start red dranude who sat to Anade's left. "I do believe we should be getting to the point, should we not?" Serge asked, arching a slender brow as she tilted her head upwards, the candlelight that illuminated the room glinting off of her ivory horns. A low hum of agreement came from the rest gathered at the table as everyone settled promptly into their seats.

Taking note of the change, Anades smiled and straightened her posture. "Of course," she said gently, capturing everyone's attention. "To the matter at hand then," she said, clasping her hands together in her lap and locking eyes with Helles. "General Helles Messori," she started, watching as the green hued dranude tilted his head up at attention. "We, the council of Rikar, would like to induct you as the first dranude ambassador to sit among us. To show that you and your kin, are now as equal as every last one of us in this very room," the queen paused and leaned back in her seat as all eyes shifted to Helles, peering curiously at him.

"Will you accept our offer?"

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