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CHAPTER 3: Nightmares Do Come True


An exhausting day isn't it? So I went to bed and suddenly I heard someone screaming.


I was alarmed.

"SOMEBODY HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I heard it again. I guess it's coming inside the house......

Inside the house?! OMO!


I heard it again

I know that voice. Somehow I heard that everyday.


And again I heard it. Now I know who is it.


Why are they calling for help??? (Questions arise from me)

I went to my door and I heard it once more.

"GET AWAY!!!! HELP!!!"

Then I heard a gun shot three times , no not three ... its six..... Yes six shots. the I grabbed on the knob and as I've opened the door I saw a man and his face was covered with a mask. I was shocked because he was holding a gun and I was weaponless. He looked at me in the eyes.

Wait? I know that eyes but I cannot look straight at him because he might shoot me. I also saw a tattoo on his left arm. It is somewhat a dragon-like figure.

Then he began to point his gun to my face all that I do is just to close my eyes and wait what will happen next.

But I felt nothing. In fact, I think there's no one in front of me.

When I opened my eyes he was gone. In relief, i sat down and as I sat down I saw something . I saw BLOOD.


The blood was flowing down coming from my parents bedroom...

My parents...??????!


I kept repeating those words until I decided to go to my parents bedroom


I was shocked...

My parents were on the floor...full of blood....cold....LIFELESSS.

NO!!!, NO!!!!!, NOOOOOOOOO.............


"<Your Name>" your mom kept on repeating your name.

"NO!!!, NO!!!!!, NOOOOOOOOO............." while you kept on repeating these words until.....

"AAHHHHHHH!" you screamed.

Then you noticed that your mom was there, in front of you.

"Oh my God! Your dreaming sweetheart and you kept on saying NO. It might be a nightmare" your mom explained.

You were speechless and all you did is hug her..

It was morning. You were sweating so much despite the cold weather. The nightmare that you have dreamt came back to your mind. Now you were all alone in your room. You took a bath and after that you came down to eat.

As you go down the stairs, You didn't saw your parents.

You were alarmed.

You searched them all around the house, luckily you were so relieved that you found them....



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