Find A Way

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<pre style="line-height: 17px; white-space: normal; color: #2a2a2a; font-size: 13px;">My eyes were closed while I nodded my head to the beat of the music. Rubbing away the sleep, I opened them and looked out the bus window to the frozen world outside. I let out a breath the fogged part of the window. I ran my finger over the cool glass creating a small design out of random lines. As soon as my finger lifted so did the fog on the window and with it went my design. It had been a long bus ride to the station alone. While I was glad to be leaving my old life behind part of me was still already missing he comfort of home and the embrace of those warm arms around me. Shaking away the thought I looked around the bus, taking a look at the few other passengers scattered around in different seats. They all seemed like me, alone on their own paths determined to get somewhere in this freezing weather. I pulled my beanie further down over my deep red hair and pulled my hoodie closer around me. "Last stop ten minutes" the driver called from the front. I grabbed my plain black backpack and checked to make sure I hadn't misplaced anything. Satisfied that I had all my stuff I settled back against my seat and waited for this damn bus ride to be over with. Thirty minutes later and just about no feeling left in my poor little nose we finally came to a stop on front of a run down little station. I stood with my bag in hand and quickly moved to the front of the bus. I had to wait for the driver to open the door and almost didn't want to leave the little bit of warmth the bus held as a burst of cold air hit me. Fighting my urge to shiver I made my way off the bus and into the station. I looked around the small dimly lit building wishing I hadn't decided to leave my cell phone back home when I left. With a sigh I went up to the service desk where and woman in her thirties or so was reading a magazine looking bored. She looked up when I approached and smiled warmly at me. "Well hello there dear, what can I do for ya?" not one for smiles I just nodded politely. "I was wondering where I could get a room for the night?" I asked shutting from one foot to the other trying to keep my blood circulating. She looked troubled as she thought this over in her head. "Well dear the next town is about thirty miles away but there won't be any buses heading that way seeing as a storm is bout to set in" she stopped speaking for a moment to chew on her finger nail as she thought over my situation. "I'd offer you a spot to sleep here at the station but you'd be a popsicle by morning" she looked around for a moment then held up a finger to me, signal ing me to wait a moment. She turned and went through a door begins her. I stayed there waiting, biting my lip nervously. What is this woman up to? I thought to myself. I heard voices from behind the door to my right followed by a loud thump before a young girl stumbled out as though she was going to fall, behind her was the woman from behind the desk wearing a proud, accomplished smile. "I swear old woman you're gonna kill me one of these days you old kook" the girl said as she stood herself up. I looked the girl over, blushing as I saw that the hem of her shirt had ridden up in her struggle with the woman revealing her belly button. I brought my eyes up from her exposed skin to her eyes and saw a twinkle in her eyes telling me she had seen me looking at her. "Well if you would have just come with me like I had told you too then you would have been fine" "I was working, what did you want me to do? Just drop everything to do your bidding?" the girl rolled her eyes as she turned to othe woman and pulled down her the bottom of her grey long sleeve shirt. "Exactly" the woman said with a giant smile plastered to her face. A small laugh escaped my lips, drawing the attention of the two. "Sorry" I said softly, looking away embarrassed. "Oh don't be dear. Anyway this is Maya" the woman said, pointing her thumb at the girl. Maya smiled at me and stuck her hand. "Pleasure to meet ya" she stared at me with a pair of amazing brown eyes, waiting for me to shake her hand. I looked at it nervously before taking it. "Jamie" I say in a quiet voice. Her smile widens. "Pretty name" I blush and look down at the ground. Taking a deep breathe I looked back up into Maya's eyes, not going to let her intimidate me. "Maya here is going to be a dear and take you into town to a hotel" the woman says matter-of-factly. "I'm doing what!?" Maya said looking at the woman like she was crazy. "Don't worry sweetheart I'm letting you off early so that you can take her. I'll still pay you for it." Maya lightened up at this. "I'll do it" she said cheerily and grabbed my hand. I was startled at the contact but couldn't bring myself to pull away. She started pulling me to the door. "You take care of her Maya" the woman warned. "I will Mary Anne" she called from the door. "Come on Jamie, before she changes her mind" Maya said winking at me as we walked through the cold to two lone trucks in the parking lot. Coming up to the black truck Maya opened the door to the cab for me. I was going to get in when I realize our fingers were still intertwined. Looking down she visible blushed and slowly pulled her hand away. "Guess you might be needing that" she said with a small laugh. "Yeah I just might" I said back and climbed into the cab. It was freezing inside the truck. Maya jumped in on the drivers side and started the truck. "Goodness it is cold tonight" she said as she quickly threw on the heater on high. I sighed in content as a wave of warm air blew through the vent and heated my cold body. I wasn't really too sure about taking a ride from this girl, but hey guess its was better than walking.</pre>

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2011 ⏰

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