Part One.

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 Taylor and Harry were going through some of the most beautiful yet difficult years, they were teenagers. Being teenagers in the mid 60’s wasn’t much different than it is now. Teenagers just want to have fun.

It was the summer of 65; they were having a road trip in their old, tacky van. Their families refused to let them go on that road trip on their own, but they went on it anyway.

Taylor rolled down the window, letting a warm summer breeze invade the car. The sound of cicadas surrounded them; they were in the middle of the dessert.

They were heading to Washington D.C; their goal was to arrive at a music festival in time. 

The blonde haired girl looked at her boyfriend with sparkly eyes, she truly believed it was him who saved her from the darkness, without him she’d be incomplete, with him she was immortal. They shared one soul, they shared the same love.

She was mesmerized by his beautiful, deep green eyes; he was charmed by her long, blonde hair.

As Harry drove the van he was thinking about how beautiful the little things in life were, like that dessert. That dessert was immensely mysterious, who knows what kind of secrets were hidden in that dessert. Or like love, love was a little, huge thing that he had always been interested in. He found love in Taylor, and he was never going to let her go.

The night hovered in and the stars where like little diamonds shinning up in the sky. Harry parked the van on the side of the lonely road and they sat on the van top.

The wind was cold; Harry saw that Taylor was shaking so he tugged her closer to him. Everything was perfect.  She let her head fall gently against his shoulder and sat on his lap.

“I love you.” He whispered into her hair as he played with a lock of it in between his fingers.

“I love you.” She replied softly into his jaw.

There was absolutely nothing that could ruin that moment. They were together, and that’s all that mattered.

Taylor let herself fall asleep in Harry’s arms.

It was a magical and unique feeling, love. Love makes the world turn around, love makes people be better every day, love changes the world. And love turned Harry’s world upside down and inside out in a wonderful way.

He carried Taylor inside the van and laid her on the bad-quality mattress that they had in the back of the van. He laid right beside her and watched her in her sweet sleep until he finally fell asleep too.

Harry woke up the next morning and he was starving, there was no food left on the van so they’d have to find a market or a gas station, and soon.

He woke Taylor up and made their way in the search of a market, but they were in the middle of nowhere and the map was sort of confusing.

“Harry I-I think we’re lost…” Taylor stuttered.

He stopped the car short and looked at her.

“What do you mean we’re lost?” He asked with a slight irritation in his voice.

“What else can ‘we’re lost’ mean other than we’re lost, Harry?”

They were always challenging each other, but that was one of the things that made them stick together.

“I see, you suck when it comes to orientation.” He argued.

“What?” Taylor hissed.

Harry chose to let it be, and so did Taylor. They weren’t going to solve their problems that way.

Harry decided they’d follow the dusty path, it’d lead them somewhere, hopefully a town.

As he drove them through the path they remained silent. It’s not that they were mad at each other for such a silly thing…Well, yes they were.

The path leads them to somewhere that looked like a ghost town. It was empty and ruined, but the gas station was open.

“Let’s buy what we need and get the hell out of here…” Harry whispered into Taylor’s ear as they walked in the gas station’s shop.

They grabbed some soda cans, water and all kinds of junk food. They also filled the gas tank.

“Now you drive and I’ll have the map.” Harry inquired.

The couple had such a long way to go until they reach the music festival.

 A/N: HI! Well, this is the first part of Sixties Queen I will divide this one shot in two or three parts because it is easier for me that way. I hope you liked this, leave a comment with your opinion :)

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