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Okay, I know I'm beating a dead horse in terms of rant subjects here, but this is a topic that PISSES ME OFF. I don't understand why every single person at any given school has to be labeled. Are you an extrovert? An introvert? Shit, I don't know. I like talking to people one day, and hate them the next. What does that make me? I write, as my friend Jack would call it, 'depressing shit', so I must be an emo, no? Come on. I may love my Band Family to no end, but that doesn't make me a band geek. Why do so many people want to limit us to only one thing? Just because I play video games day in, day out, doesn't mean I'm nonathletic, and can't play any sports. A few months ago, some guys I know were screwing around with some people I was talking to. These said people got mad at said guys, but you know what the guys said? 'Oh, they're gamers! They can't run!' And they ran off. I wanted desperately to show off my soccer skills, and run right past them and slap those sonsofbitches, but that wouldn't have worked for a number of reasons. A) I would've been outnumbered, 4 to 1. B) I probably can't run as well as I think I can. C) It would probably hurt me more than it would hurt them. So yes, I'm glad I just kinda made a nasty face at them as they ran off. My pride was hurt. But that was a while ago. Now, I still encounter stereotypes all the time, and it still pisses me off. But I'm trying to ignore it. My point being: Please, don't listen to anyone trying to label you. Heck, even I used to label myself as one thing or another. So don't do that either. And if you label people a lot, please consider what they're going through. I'm still trying to get over my brother's death, but that doesn't mean you should handle me like I'm fragile china. I've put on a facade for this long. I'm pretty sure I can keep going.

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