The Predacon Femme

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Violet was slowly regaining her consciousness she groaned before she slowly opened her eyes looking around she was still in the pod but it was different she was almost as eye level with the Cybertronians there were in the room she shook her head only to hit it against the glass she groaned a little before she tried to move her body but it was not working "Let her out..." Shockwave said

Echo nodded and did as instructed before stepping back to Dreadwing's side to give Violet some room, when the pod opened Violet fell out of it she growled as she tried get up she finally got her footing looking at the Cybertronians before her she was confused to what was going on around her, Echo looked to Shockwave for direction she wanted to help Violet but she didn't want to do anything that the purple Mech would disapprove of though. Shockwave just watched he knew Violet was confused but he knew that soon she would remember everything he then moved to her Violet looked at him "It has been too long Violetwing." He said

Dreadwing and Echo watched the Predacon carefully, Violet looked at him before she thought about the name for a moment then her memories started to flood her mind she remembered everything from when she was created to the time she saw the other Predacon clones die before guilt and sadness came over her she looked away trying to hide her emotions away. Echo's wings and audial fins drooped at the sight. Shockwave knew she had remembered everything he then put his servo on her neck Violet looked at him and whimpered a little "Shh..." he said lowly

Shockwave looked at Dreadwing and Echo "Call our master..." he said

Dreadwing nodded "Lord Megatron. We have results with the Predacon. Shockwave requests your presence in his lab." He said through the comm-link

"On my way." Megatron commed back.

Violetwing just remained where she was she felt so upset for what happened to the other Predacons, Shockwave knew she was, but he couldn't do anything about it. Megatron soon arrived and when Megatron saw Violetwing he was stunned but then grinned "So she was indeed a Predacon." He said

Shockwave looked at them and nodded "The true question is." He said "How did she survive?"

"Indeed, that is a good question." Megatron replied

Shockwave prepared the Cortical Psychic Patch then patched himself into Violetwing's mind. Violet growled as Shockwave went into her mind, she saw that day once again the land began to rumble and shake violently Violet and the other Predacons were quickly trying to hide the Energon away from this. Some had gone and were not seen, the cave they were in was cracking quickly flooded. Violetwing and a few others were washed out of the cave before it began to crumble around her and then everything went black. When Violet reawakened, she was alone in some building and looked at herself not knowing what she was or anything all she had was the Mark on her body

Shockwave displayed what he saw on the monitor for everyone to see. Echo subtly edged toward Dreadwing without anyone else noticing as they watched what had happened to Violet. Dreadwing watched with a particular interest in the disaster itself. Violetwing tried to look away not wanting to remember it at all

"So all we see is that she blacked out and woke up as a human..." Megatron said

"It's seems that way My Liege..." Shockwave stated disconnecting the cortical psychic patch and looked at Violetwing

Violetwing then tried to get up again shaking her body.

Megatron crossed his arms "An interesting situation." He stated

Violetwing growled to herself again shaking her helm before she tried to move the rest of her body, shockwave patted the Predacon's side Echo went over to check on Violetwing. "Easy there. Do you need any assistance?" Echo asked gently.

Everyone's attention was on the Predacon.

Violetwing looked at her she knew that in her true form no one could understand her she lowered her helm to Echo. She just looked at Echo her purple optics showing she was upset and wanted to be with close to someone. Echo reached up to the Predacon rubbing her helm. She was used to dealing with Predaking. Treat a Predacon with respect and compassion and they'll respect you right back.

"It'll be okay Violet." She said soothingly.

Violetwing felt she could trust Echo she liked her and found solace from the smaller blue femme.

Megatron looked over to Echo and Violet "Echo take Violetwing to the other Predacon..." he said, he had much to discuss with Shockwave.

Violetwing looked at him to that. Other Predacon? She asked herself

She looked at Echo again "Yes M'Lord." Echo bowed

"Come on Violetwing." Echo put a servo on the Predacon's shoulder and began leading her out of the room.

Violetwing followed wondering what Megatron was meaning by 'other Predacon' but she followed her regardless of what her mind was telling her.

Echo walked with Violetwing toward where Predaking was. She didn't know what his reaction would be but she hoped that he wouldn't be hostile toward Violet. It looked like she was now responsible for two Predacons instead of just one. Echo didn't mind it. She loved Predacons. Violetwing just followed her not really know what where she was taking her but she followed "Predaking where are you? I have someone I want you to meet." Echo called knowing he'd hear her. He was always up on the flight deck.

Violetwing looked at her funny. Predaking? She asked herself

The large male Predacon peeked out from behind the communications array. He'd been reading again on the monitor there. He looked at Echo confused before he spotted Violetwing and walked over. "Predaking this is Violetwing." She introduced the male Predacon to the smaller black and Violet female.

She was speaking to him as if he were just another bot and not treating him like a beast like most other Decepticons would. Violetwing looked at him curiously it had been a while since she saw another Predacon she looked into his optics trying to read what they were saying, She was the first Predacon he'd seen other than his own reflection. He was stunned but he was still in charge though. Violetwing just looked sat him she didn't know what to do before she lifted her wings and screeched at him to see that he would do, He blinked then flared out his wings and screeched back. Violetwing then grinned before she was back on all fours she began to move around him.

Predaking sat and watched her warily unsure of exactly what to do. He was caught between the decision to either greet or attack the other Predacon, but Echo would disapprove if he attacked first. And that meant no helm rubs or hugs so he'd just wait to see what she did instead. Violetwing continued to walk around him looking at his armor she liked this tho she would have to get to know him more she stopped in front of him looking into his optics once again, he looked at her suspiciously then went and bumped his chin against the top of her helm as if telling her to stop circling and just stay there. Violetwing was amused to this tho she was not going to back down to just any Predacon even if they were larger then she was, And Predaking would swat down any who opposed his rule as king of the Predacons. They stared at each other stubbornly.

Tho Violetwing wanted to challenge him she was still weak from just being reactivated into her Predacon form she glanced at him before she moved away and laid down to rest her body, He snorted then looked to Echo "I know. I know. Trouble with a capital T. Don't give me that look you drama king." Echo told Predaking putting her hands on her hips. "And if you do fight don't fight it out on the Nemesis. Lord Megatron will have my hide if you guys trash the flight deck."

Predaking heaved a sigh and bobbed his head in a nod, in all actuality... Echo was the boss of them. They just had to establish a hierarchy to go by. Violetwing looked over to them before she lowly growled lowered her helm and closed her optics and fell into recharge.

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