Chapter 2

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      After that show I went back to the doctor to see what may have caused me to lose my mind. I had many tests both physical and mental. The tests didn't turn out much and they chalked it down to me working too hard and being over stressed. I asked him about the possibility of this happening again. "It can happen again but now that you know what it is we can make steps to control them at least a bit." The doctor reassured my that I'd be ok. He gave me a prescription of what sort I didn't even pay attention. Drugs probably got me into this mess and they would be what would help me out of it. Ah the circle of life. With the help of the prescription and relaxing a little more than I used to, I haven't had another panic attack in awhile. Slowing down on work? Never. I even slowed my drinking, that's a miracle in itself. The drink is my best friend, yes that makes me an alcoholic but I've never lied about that. I done everything I could to keep myself from anxiety though I wasn't supposed to drink and take the meds I done so anyway. And again my heart races and there seems to be an elephant on my chest, I can barely breathe. I reach for my pills and down one hoping this feeling will subside. There seems to be a large lump the size of a golf ball in my throat when I swallow the medicine back. I think nothing of this, it's just my mind playing tricks on me. The panic finally subsides and once again I'm left baffled about what's going on. I decided that enough is enough and see the doctor again. I tell him about all the symptoms and he gives me the once over like they always do. He stops at the base of my neck. "Have you had this long?" The doctor asks. "Have I had what long?" I reply fearing the worst. "Have you had changed in your weight? Trouble swallowing?" He asks. "Yeah my weight fluctuates, I've not had much trouble swallowing, only sometimes." My voice falters fearing the worst. "We're going to need to do an ultrasound Mr. Worsnop." The doctor explains and walks me into a dim room and sits me in the chair in the middle. A bit of cold jelly to the machine and I'm holding my head back so he can see. "Hmm" escapes from his mouth. Something no one likes to hear, was it bad? Did he know what it was? Was it cancer? Oh the maddening thoughts were really taking over. A few more moments of the machine moving smoothly over this lump they've found. "Well Mr. Worsnop. It looks to me like your thyroid is out of whack and needs to come out. The good news is it's non cancerous from the look of the ultrasound." My lungs release the big gulp of air that I'd been holding in, relieving the pressure. "Ok, what do we do next?" I questioned. "Well surgery, what we call a thyroidectomy. It is a butterfly shaped gland over your voice box. While I can't promise you that your vocal cords won't be damaged they can be repaired. Surgery is in two weeks Mr. Worsnop." He explained. This comforted me, he sounded very confident in this like he's done this surgery in his sleep. Oh the Internet is such a wonderful place especially if you are a doctor for web md. Which I totally am so I did what anyone else would do. Big mistake, I found out any and everything that could go wrong in situations like mine. There it was in big bold letters. "Voice changes" I had so many questions about this one thing. It is my life line, my job, my therapy. If I didn't have it I would have lost everything I had. It was so tempting to reach over to my phone and dial Ben..... I forgot though I'd burned that bridge already. When things this big hit though he was the one I confided in. Now that it was no longer an option I did what any normal man would hit the bar as hard as I could drinking myself into the next horrible hangover and found some woman to take home though I wouldn't remember what her name was in the morning all I needed was tonight. Another bottle of Jameson later and I was on the prowl. There was a tasty looking brunette at the bar. "Hello I'm Danny." I approached accentuating my accent. Her thick lips stretched into a bright smile. "I'm Emma." She offered her hand to shake, oh but I am so smooth or so I think when I'm hammered, I took her hand and lifted it to my lips kissing the back of her smooth hand. A blush crept into the apples of her cheeks. "What's a beautiful lady like to drink?" I questioned, knowing that I had charmed my way right into taking this beauty home. She ordered the common fruity frilly drink that most women always order appletini or something like that and we talked until I was sure she was ready to go. Now the first thing a man like me is thinking is prove your a gentleman complement her. She did really have amazing eyes they were blue but not the bright blue, no they were a grayish blue with specks of gold throughout. "My you have the most interesting colored eyes I've ever seen." This is my forte I am Danny Worsnop alcoholic extraordinaire, I can still annunciate words without slurring much when I'm drunk.  "Thank you. You're just so sexy." She giggled, hinting she was ripe for the picking. If you can tell I'm sort of a playboy, it is second nature to me. "Come here." I motioned with my finger beckoning her closer, of course she complied. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close and placed my lips gently to hers. Step number two kids always let them think they are in control, remember you are the gentleman who would never take advantage of a situation like this one. It was Emma who'd taken the next step as she opened her lips poking her tongue between mine for permission for entrance. I obliged opening them and soon our tongues danced heatedly around the others. We stood like this until the denim of my jeans became impossibly tight. I pulled away hesitantly. "Want to take this somewhere more private." I whispered against kiss swollen lips, she nodded. I wasted no time hailing a cab and getting us on the way back to mine. The entire ride was nothing but lips meeting and hands exploring, The tightness of my jeans became almost unbearable. As soon as the taxi stopped I pulled a couple of twenties out of my pocket and throw them at the driver giving him a quick "thanks." I made quick work of opening the door and pulling Emma inside and to the nearest wall slamming the door shut behind us. My lips had enough of the sweetness of her lips, I broke away trailing kisses from the corner of her lips to the curve of her neck, her smell was intoxicating. A mix of jasmine and a bit of lavender. Her hands spread through my ginger locks until I found the sensitive spot right behind the lobe of her ear, she began tugging rather roughly on my hair causing me to growl. Enough of this, my hands move up her hips stopping when I noticed she wasn't wearing any underwear. "Naughty girl." I grinned against the soft skin my lips were working at. My fingertips made short work of grabbing the foil packet I kept in my pocket, I flicked open my jeans and pushed them down along with my boxers letting them pool around my feet. My erection sprang free of its denim prison I ripped open the foil and rolled it down my shaft, I lifted Emma and she accordingly wrapped her legs around me making the task of lining up to her entrance an easy one. "Ready?" I asked, she nodded. I pushed her down while angling my hips up her tight walls took me all the way in. "So tight." I groaned and began thrusting slowly, circling my hips as I went at a steady rhythm. I used the wall for leverage and moved one hand up to expose her breast my fingertips rolled over the pink bud.  "Right there Danny, Harder..faster." She moaned into the air and I complied quickening my pace, beads of sweat formed on my body. I felt her walls contract around my length, the all too familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach signaled I was close. "I'm close baby." My hips moved sloppily. "Ah m-me too." She replied, I could feel her warm pleasure dripping down my thighs, which sent me toppling over the edge. "Ungh fuck." I moaned as my seed burst into the condom. My legs were weak but I managed to at least carry her and myself to the bedroom. That's when Emma surprised me and left back out to the living room, as much as I didn't want to I followed. She dressed quickly and turned to me and smiled placing a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you for tonight it was fun. I just have to go, I have to work in the morning." I nodded and lead her to the door. She scribbled her number down on a piece of paper and handed it to me before turning on her heel and walked out the door. I locked up and made my way back to the bedroom settled into my bed and sleep took over me.

(So I lied and couldn't help myself and this is the result. Hope you enjoy the chapter. Picture below is what Emma would look like in my opinion. Thanks for the reads. And yes if you notice Danny in this story is having thyroid trouble just like I have and its a really long process I thought would make for a good short story. And anyway happy reading.)


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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