Time or No Time

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Dedicated to @myrpb4, best contest I had ever entered in!
Hope you like it!

LOCATION: Area 55 AREA: Classified TIME: 10:30 AM

Dr. Hatch, in his bright black coat, shiny 200 dollar wing tip shoes, and wearing selfshading sunglasses, he was standing outside of Area 55, one of the most top secret places unknown to the outsiders,

Hatch smiled, that creepy dark smile the electric children knew so well, ment he had the most, absurd idea coming into mind.

Hatch glared at the sun, then the trees of gossamers, ponds and lakes.

Helicopter blades sliced threw the air like butter, the helicopter was on a heli pad on top of Area 55, and was about to lift off on its new destination.

Ian was gaurded by two Elgen, his blind eyes staring at the floor, Tara was on his left, shading her face from the sun, Qeuntin on his right, and Bryan in back, cursing because his new DS4.2 "360" was out of battery.

"Eagles!" Hatch announced "did you know, that there is no such thing as time"

Bryan cursed again, but an Elgen guard nudged his shoulder "don't touch me again you freak!" Bryan squeaked,

"BRYAN!" Hatch turned around, face in a twist "Elgen salute!"

Bryan did immediately, dropping his DS on the ground,

"Now tell me-" Hatch kept going "-tell me, did you know, there is no such thing as time, eddies"

Bryan breathed out of his nose slowly, then shook his head "No sir"

Tara coughed out under her breath "Looser"

Hatch heard her, but ignored it, she has it coming, he thought.

"Quentin, please tell us, what exactly, is time" Dr. Hatch turned around, to face Quentin,

"Yes sir, time presence us with many ways sir, like the time that had just past, present and time"

"Correct, but, what is the definition?"

"Sir?" Quentin looked confused, but he gripped his fist, Hatch considered this in his mind.

"Eagles, what have I been telling you, is that there is no such thing as time"

Hatch was mixing them up on purpouse,

"Come on Eagles, I will show you, what I mean"

The Elgen guards followed behind the children, Hatch showed them inside Area 55, the helicopter blades had stopped there slicing, and flown off.

Hatch took off his glasses, handed them to Quentin, in which he put on, then winked at Tara.

Tara blushed, but pushed past the thought in her mind because Hatch was listening, and watching there every move.

Bryan had picked up his DS, stuffed it in his pocket and pointed a finger at the guard who had nuddged him on the shoulder "your fired"

"I'm afraid you cant do that to me" the Elgen gaurd shot back,

Hatch spoke up "when were finished here, your next mission is to survive the rat bowl"

The gaurd gulped, Bryan smiled,

Hatch lead every one in a single file, past haleways, doors with infinity numbers, and people dressed in purple and orange.

Area 55, is where if you do one thing wrong inside, your killed on the spot, if cuaght.

That's why every one who worked there wore emberising Colors.

Ian was watching, but he couldn't at the same rime, some of the stuff he tried to consintrate on was blurry, Hatch had figured out how to ruin his shock waves, but how? How is there a way to block shock waves?

The question will probably be unknown for as long as he lived, if he lived that long.

Finally, Hatch stopped the children and his guards in front of a room, with no number, instead, the words:

Time, is impossible, if impossible wasn't made

Hatch loved that saying from the first time he saw it here, it was there to scair the orange and purple suited people.

Tara said the words aloud "time, is impossible, if impossible wasn't made, hmmm...sounds like a bumper sticker"

When the children walked in (exept for Ian, the gaurds took him to the dungeon) they didn't expect to see the site before them.

It was mostly a heap of metal, colored in bright, sunflower yellow.

It looked more like shark boys underground submering, but three times smaller, and yellow.

Tubes, wires and tables littered around and ontop (exept for the tables) of the machine.

The wires and tubes were hooked up to big machines that looked like deformed transformers, buttons were blinking red, white and blue, and once in a while, they would make buzzing noises like flies on dinner.

Bryan looked the less impressed, as always.

All that we need, thought Hatch, is Michael Vey to run after the bait, if the bait will survive that long.

Hatch turned around slowly, hands raised, smile as wide as can be "welcome to Area 55, where the first time machine is made, where there is no such thing as time" like there ever was such thing as time, Hatch had thought again.

That's what cuaght Bryan's attenchin, and for once, he looked impressed.

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