Broken Arm (Eric Imagine)

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You were spending this late night with your boyfriend, Eric, sparring in the Pit to improve your fighting techniques. He almost never went easy on you, expecting you to hold your own against him since no one would go easy on you in a real battle. It annoyed you to no end some times but you knew it was his weird way of showing you he cares.

"Agh!" You screeched as he threw you to the side. You were supposed to land on your feet but you stumbled on your landing and fell to the ground, bending your arm into an impossible angle.

"Eric, is my arm supposed to bend like this?" You asked, giving him a weak smile and shrugged your other shoulder. Luckily, the pain hadn't shot up your arm yet with the adrenaline from the fight still pumping through you.

"Shit." Eric cursed, bending down next to you and examining it. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Eric, calm down, it's only a broken arm."

"Come on." he says, helping you to your feet and making sure not to jostle your arm. He slides an arm under your leg and hooks the other around your back, picking you up as carefully and slowly as possible. You held your arm, biting your tongue as the pain started to come in like a white hot branding iron.

"Baby, I'm fine." You try to convince him.

He grunts and doesn't look at you but you can see the guilty look in his eyes as he starts going to the infirmary. You peck him on his cheek and press your head under his chin as he walks. Eventually, you slap him lightly with your other hand.

"Stop being such a baby." You say. Without warning, you kiss him full on the mouth and he envelops your mouth in his, lost in the moment for a split second before focusing back on his mission.

"I'm sorry." Eric's apologies were about as rare as Jeanine Matthews admitting she's wrong.

"Maybe you should go easy on me next time." You suggest.


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