Over the River and Through the Jungle

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We bounced in the car as I drove through the jungle. Joe was laying in the back, groaning as he was jostled.

"Sorry, guy." I said as I yanked the wheel to the left and turned around a massive tree. I was in a hurry because Bacchus wasn't one of the dead, and he was waking up. I had destroyed the communication devices on the other cars and disabled the tracker on my new car. I wanted to be miles away before he got the chance to report to the rest of the Corvati.

We kept up a good speed as I drove north out of the jungle and towards the city of Doresdale, my home. My parents awaited me there, probably worried sick by now. Ever since Cassius had been captured they had been very protective and iron ball like. But who could blame them? I was their only child and the heir to the kingdom. I would worry.

I let myself ponder Joe as we traveled, the sun beating down on us. Why? Why the Corvati? Why him? What happened to make him work for them? Could...Could he hate me? Hate me like the Corvati hated Shifters? It made little sense because I had just saved his life three times, he should love me by now. Was he Bonded?

That was a stupid thought, I told myself. He must be, otherwise why would he be working for the Corvati? They must be forcing his hand be threatening his Bond. I heard a tapping behind me. I looked back briefly at Joe, he was hitting my seat.

"What's up, guy?" I asked turning back to driving. He made a few pained, choking noises. "Uh don't speak, remember? Just hold on a second."

I drove us over a ridge and bounced down the hill. I slowed when we reached smoother ground and looked back at him. He used a sign language to (what I think) ask 'how long and how far?'

I thought of how this land, Ralamina, was spread out. A ocean surrounded the lower half, tropical lands and the jungle spread from the ocean like thick green fingers slowly rising and hardening into mountains and valleys. Farm land dotted everything and slowly merged into the towns and cities. Really we had everything, just pick a climate and shimmy on over to it and spread your roots.

"A few days back to the city." I told him. "Two, I think to get to the Hitchwick mountains." I pursed my lips. At least a week until I got home and started my search for Cassius, and that was only if we hustled with absolutely no mishaps along the way. Fat chance.

Joe tapped my seat again and woke me from my brooding. "What?" I asked. He made a few more half choked noises. "Maybe you should just use your hands." I said.

'What are we doing?' I think he signed. I sighed and looked up at the jungle around us. This was an impossible journey. A few thousand miles of jungle, mountains, farm land and then the metal of the city. With an army of crazed Corvati freaks after us, plus the 'us' in this was a strange injured Shifter and me. This wasn't going to be easy, chances of surviving were minimal. Good thing I was the other half of this team.

"We, dear Joe," I said as I shifted the jeep back into gear. "Are surviving and getting out of here."

**** **** ****

We made good time that day. Joe passed out after a few hours of pain and slept most of the day. I stopped by the river for a little while and washed my wounds by pouring water down my back and refilled water containers. We hadn't seen any sign of Corvati the whole time but it didn't make me feel better.

I decided to build our shelter around the jeep, in case the Corvati showed up it would take few seconds to start our escape. That way I wouldn't have to move Joe in and out of the jeep bed. I pulled the emergency tent out and spread it over the two trees I had parked under. I fastened it securely with vines and string. I camouflaged it with palms and leaves before it started raining. It poured and poured buckets.

I huddled under the tent in the bed with Joe. He was bleary eyed and tired. I practically forced water down his throat but I couldn't convince him to eat. Too painful it seemed. We would be okay, we had food, water, shelter and in an odd way each other. I didn't know how far either of us would go for the other or if Joe 'could' go at all. My resolve to get home soon and safe deepened. I would make sure we got through this.

"Sure you're not gonna eat anything?" I pressed again. Joe halfheartedly glared and my and shook his head once. "Fine. Let's get some rest then, we'll start out at first light."

Joe would've rolled his eyes. We started moving all the stuff to the front seats to make room for us. There was only one blanket and Joe pushed it over to me. He was sweating from a fever. I made him lay down so I could put a cool scrap of folded cloth on his forehead.

"The sooner we work together, the sooner we can get out of here and get you medical attention." I told him. His eyes frowned at me. "What?" I demanded.

'You're the reason I need medical.'

I snickered. "Well, yeah, guy." I said smiling. "You were attacking me. What was I supposed to do? Let you?" I shook my head. He humphed and closed his eyes.

I didn't feel safe by any means but I didn't feel immediately threatened by him. Sure he had been possibly trying to kill me but now he was rather helpless. I knew full well I could be wrong but I didn't think he would attack me again. Not while I was the only thing keeping him alive. As I lay beside him, on the other side of the bed but close nonetheless, I kept a knife in my hand. Just in case.

It was a few hours later when I woke to the sharp bite of a jungle fly.

"Eck!" I hissed as I smacked and squashed it against my arm. I wiped the bug off and shook my hand to rid myself of it. I sighed and sat up, I had a crick in my neck like no other. The knife brushed my nose as I rubbed my forehead. It was very dark and humid under the tent canopy. I looked over to where Joe would be. I frowned and reached out. Wasn't he there?

I touched his back and moved my fingers upward. He seemed to be asleep or unconscious as he leaned over the side of the jeep bed.

"Joe..." I whispered feeling his forehead. It was heated with fever. I pursed my lips. This was getting worse and I didn't know how to cure...whatever it is. What made him sick? He didn't look sick when I met him but he got sick right after. What if he died?

"Huh." I said, thinking. It would probably be my fault if he died. I'd serious injured people, killed them too, like yesterday or did something that they died from. I didn't think about it. But I hadn't done 'this.' This situation was totally new for me and I didn't want it to end badly.

"I won't let it." I whispered firmly. I pulled Joe back into a laying position and put a cool wet cloth back on his forehead. I hopped out of the truck and went to the trees to go to the bathroom. When I got back Joe was trembling. I put a hand on his chest and felt his heart racing. Crap. Now what?

I pulled out the first aid kit in the dark and felt around carefully. I pulled out the bottle of fever pills and gently shook two more out. I only had to lean over to be right next to him.

"Joe," I said putting a hand on his arm. "Guy, I need to give you some more medicine okay? Joe? Wake up!"

Joe's eyes flickered open, I could barely see them. I held out the two pills. "More medicine," I said. "I've got some water for you. It will help with the fever."

His breathing was slightly labored as I slipped the pills into his mouth and gave him a few mouthfuls of water. "I've decided something," I said softly. "There is obviously something wrong with you, and I don't know what it is. But I am not going to let you die here." I smiled at him in the dark. "Or at all if I can help it."

Joe shuddered and fell asleep again.

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