Chpter 2 - I Never Noticed

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Bastian, Sarah and Ella got inside and set together for a bit. They talked a little, it was mostly Bastian telling Sarah about Ella And telling Ella about Sarah. It was awkward.
Eventually Sarah had to leave and they were left alone.
"So how long will you stay in Munich?"
Bastian asked. "I don't know" Ella replied. "But you're missing classes" he said. "Yeah, well, that's a long story.. Actually I'm not sure i'll go back there" Ella said. "You can tell me everything i missed on our way to my house" Bastian said. "Your house?" Ella asked. "Yeah. We finished training. And now that you're finally back i can show you my new house" Bastian said.
Ella agreed happily, she waited for Bastian to grab his bag and they both went to his car. It was... FANCY.
They set in the car and Bastian started driving. He opened the music player." You remember this?" He asked existingly. It was playing "Here it goes again" by Ok Go. It was their song for years. "oh yes" Ella laughed and they started singing together and laughing.
They got to Bastian's house. He opened the door and she was shocked of how good this house looked.
It was black and white theme, all modern furniture, clean. "wow" Ella said. "Yeah. Nice ah?" Bastian laughed. "this place is amazing" Ella said.
He showed her around all the rooms.
They got to the bedroom, on Bastian's desk were a lot of firmed pictures. "oh, there's a picture of us!" Ella said and picked up the picture. "oh, yeah" Bastian said and placed it back. "wait, i want to see" Ella picked it again. Bastian acted weird for a minute. "oh, it's just a regular picture" he kept saying. "wait. There's something taped on the back of it" It was a folded piece of paper. She got that out. "oh, it's nothing" Bastian said.
It was a love letter. "You wrote that?" Ella was shocked. "yeah" Bastian laughed nervously. "I wrote that in 8th grade and was gonna give it to you but then i got scared and didn't" He said. "I can't believe it" Ella said. "I was in love with you since third grade" he laughed. "you never noticed?" He asked. "No" Ella couldn't stop looking at that letter. "i thought it was pretty obvious. Well then you left, and i had Sarah so it all worked out for the best" Bastian smiled and looked at more pictures.
Ella didn't move, she kept reading the letter over and over again.
Bastian came from behind her and hugged her from behind. His face were on her shoulder and she could feel his breaths. Her heart started beating.
"come on, i'll cook us some lunch" He said and left the room. She put down the frame, and walked after him.
They got to the kitchen, she set down and Bastian was cooking. "I never... never noticed" she said. "noticed what?" He asked. "that you're in love with me. Was, i mean was in love with me" she felt embarrassed. "If i was still in love with you i would probably kill myself by now" he laughed.
"aha" shs laughed. Lucky you're not... she thought. Really lucky...

Bastian finished and they set down to eat. "So tell me about London" he asked.
"It's a boring city. Always cloudy, everyone look the same, dress the same, speak the same way. I didn't fit" Ella said.
"What about the university?" He asked. "It was fine, at the beginning. And then it just got harder. I just didn't enjoy it anymore, i didn't care. I started failing. I just don't want to be there anymore" Ella said.
"So you're gonna stay here now?" Bastian asked.
"I don't know. I haven't talked to my parents yet... they'll be mad. They'll probably want me to go back and graduate but that's the last thing i want to do" Ella said.
"That's a shame. But who am I to talk.. I barely graduated from high school" Bastian laughed.
"Yeah, aren't you a failure" Ella said sarcasticly, pointing around the fancy house. Bastian laughed.
"If i can give you an advice, you should do what you enjoy doing. In that i have a lot of knowledge" Bastian said.

"How about man ah?" He asked.
"what?" Ella said, trying to avoid the question.
"Are you dating anyone there?" Bastian asked.
"There was this guy. We dated for a couple months and since than it was on and off all the time. He is one of the reasons i came here... I just don't want to see him every day" Ella said.
"Oh. Well good to have you home Ella" Bastian said, took her hand and smiled. Ella smiled back.
They finished eating and sat down in the living room.
"I'm so full" Ella said.
"Yeah. I can just nap forever" Bastian said.
"oh, it's ok, i can go-" "No" Bastian interrupted her. "stay. I'm just a little bit tired" He said.
"You know what i do when I'm tired" Ella smiled.
"great idea" Bastian said, he turned on mtv and they started dancing and jumping all over the room until they collapsed on the couch.
"wow" Bastian laughed. "It was easier when we were 16" they laughed together.

" I have a great idea" Bastian said and immediately turned and looked at her.
"What?" She asked.
"You know Manuel right?" He asked.
"Manuel Neuer? Like the best goalie in the world? Yeah i think i heard about him" Ella smiled.
"Yeah yeah" Bastian said. "He's single. I can set you up"
He finished. Ella's smile started fading... "oh i don't know.." she said.
"come on" Bastian got up and looked to her. "He's the greatest guy i know, you deserve the best Ella. You'll like him" Bastian said.
"ok" Ella said, got up and stand next to him.
"yes! I'm calling him right now" He dialed.
"right now?! No, wait," Manuel answered.
"Mano, hi" Bastian started talking and Ella tried to hear. "You know this girl, Ella, that came to visit me today. Yeah. Yes. Well she's single, and i thought, I'll give you her number. Come on. Yeah. Great. I'll text it to you. Bye" Bastian finished the call. "You'll hear from him" he said and collapsed on the couch.

They talked for a bit, until Ella had to go home. Bastian gave her a ride.
She walked up to her house, opened the door. Both of her parents were sitting at the table, next to her suitcase, and they looked mad. "Hello" Ella said. "sit down" her father answered. "we need to talk".

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