chapter two - hurt

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"i'm not living; i'm just surviving. barely."

The silhouette stepped forward, making me quickly avert my eyes to focus on something other than his electrifying, alluring eyes. His aura hit me, the power in it making me cower back. Tension hung evidently in the air. A tingle of fear went up my spine, snaking around my back. Goosebumps appeared on the surface of my skin, the hairs standing up from the powerful emotion plaguing my mind and soul.

"Has anyone ever told you staring is rude?" I snapped, annoyed at his steely gaze that never wavered from my shivering form. His reply was a frown and a sharp glare.

I flinched away, pushing my back against the wall, wishing that it would just disappear and I would have a chance of making it out of here, the melancholic conditions striking up a daunting, perturbing aura that I despised. The silhouette advanced towards my fear-filled form, almost tauntingly. He had the aura of a being so powerful, that I immediately knew what he was. An Alpha.

"Look at me," the Alpha commanded in a strong, manipulative tone laced with a tone of anger that seemed to be enunciated through the small cell, snapping me out of my reverie. Although he commanded me to look at him, I refused, afraid of what he would do to me if I did look at him.

"I said, LOOK AT ME!" he shouted, making his voice ring in my ears. The aura he was letting off was pure, black anger as it seemed to radiate from his significantly larger frame as he towered over me. Panic settled in as I quickly looked up at the stormy eyes of the Alpha. More fear filled my trembling heart.

The cell seemed to grow smaller as the tension in the air grew. The ice cold floors did nothing to distract me, the dreary walls creating an uncomfortable atmosphere I wanted so desperately to escape from. His saccharine scent infiltrated my nostrils even more as he stepped closer. Electricity fizzled around the choking air.

Quickly, but reluctantly, I looked up at him to see those dark blue eyes that were slightly tinted with a light grayish colour. He held my chin forcefully as he looked into my eyes, giving me more reason to move away. But I didn't, in fear of what he would do. Staying still, there was nothing that I could do except stare into those invigorating midnight eyes of his.

The tension was thick in the air, but I could feel the tingling sensation that seemed to appear anywhere our skin made contact. I shivered from the unfamiliar feeling that sent my heart racing wildly. Electricity traveled up my arms, electrifying my body in his vicinity. Something was in his eyes, something that I couldn't decipher, though it lingered evidently in the beautiful galaxy.

My wolf was causing a stir in my head, shouting the word reiteratively in my head. After a moment's silence, he let me go. A blank look crossed his face as his eyes glazed over. I scampered to the far back of the cell, not wanting them to touch me. I wanted for them to go away. Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths, blinking my eyes open.

The guards soon left, as his eyes returned to its original colour, and a stoic, cold look replaced his already masked features. He was attractive; I couldn't deny that. A sharp jawline, with the perfect features, and his lean build created the perfect match. It didn't matter to me, the bond that we have, I could push it away, ignore it. "What are you doing here?"he grunted, his low voice sending chills around my body.

A sense of determination stirred in me, and I spoke up,"I mean no harm. Trespassing on your land was nothing more than an accident." He just stared back at me, almost bewildered.

A storm of emotions seemed to swirl in his eyes, as if he were contemplating on what he would do to me. My head whipped to the side from the sheer force of the hit, a smack sound sending my nerves into overdrive. Sharp stinging pain struck my cheek where he had hit me. "Disrespectful. You need to learn your place. You need to show some respect. I am of higher ranking and I deserve to be treated like one!"

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