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"No, if we do it together it's much more meaningful!" I protested against Kevin's proposal.
"Why, when I can hire people to go it?" He replied with a raised brow.

"Because there will be no memories, no sentimental meaning to the house it we didn't make it our own with our own two hands." I crossed my arms leaning most of my weight on one leg.

"Marina, are you becoming emotional about sentimental values and love and all that?" Kevin asked sarcastically shocked before dropping to his knees and rubbing my small baby bump. "Thank you little one, you've made your mother in to a very warm person who cares about others and things openly."

"I will kill you in your sleep." I glared grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling back so we'd make eyecontact.

"And she's back, just like that." Kevin smiled kissing my stomach as let his hair go.

"What are we going to do with you're furniture, there may not be enough space for both of our things to fit." I sat in his office chair.

"That's not a problem, my sister picked out the majority of the things here and I never really cared for them, except the bed. I'm keeping the bed." He held a finger up to emphasize his point.

"Whatever, let's head home, we need to be at that party by nine." I tucked the planner under my arm as I stood grabbing my belongings and stuffing them in my bag.

"Wait, let me carry those for you!" Kevin rushed over to me and grabbed the items out of my hands before picking up his things as well.

"Kevin, I'm only a month along. My things aren't heavy, so stop over reacting before someone starts to notice our situation." I spoke calmly and measuered every word slowly.

"I don't care, I won't risk the cub or you strainging." He spoke quietly as we made our way out his office and in to the elevator.

"You do realize that when I give birth, I'll be straining to push this thing out, right?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"The cub isn't ready to come yet so until then, I will not have you straining yourself." Kevin hissed as if his word was law.

"Sweetheart, you seem to have forgotten who is in charge here." I smiled as I faced him running my hand down his chest toward his barely protected loins and gripped warningly.

"Baby, we're in the elevator, don't start something that we won't be able to finish so quickly." He purred in my ear before gently pulling my hand away.

"Always trying to switch the subject," I shook my head as the elevator laded on the first floor.

Leading the way out of the elevator. I subconsciously crossed my arms under my chest as the women, who cared, watched us leave. By the time we reached the car Kevin I was getting tired of his over chivalrous acts. He insisted on opening, holding, and closing, the car door for me. I nearly punched him when he kept trying to re-adjust the seatbelt around my small baby bump. Luckily he gave up before I got to hurt him. At home I went straight to the shower before Kevin could get to it.

"You should let me pick out your outfit for tonight." I called to Kevin as I entered the closet and looked through the clothes on his side.

"Sure, but don't get too carried away, this is a casual event but not too casual." He called back from the shower.

Looking through his outfits I picked out a pair of brown pinstripe slacks, a white button up shirt along with a brown pinstripe vest and a blue bow tie to match. I looked through his pairs of shoes on the floor before turning my unsatisfied gaze up to the shelf above his clothes. There were a few shoe boxes up there and I decided to reach for the white converses. As I reached for the box, on my tip toes, something caught attention.

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