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Before anything else, this short story that I made is based on the story that I heard in the radio station. The segment of that radio station is about true to life stories/ experiences. A certain story caught my attention so I made this story as a product of my imagination, assuming that this is the point of view of the other character from the letter sender’s love story. Whoever owns that story, I am very thankful to you for being my inspiration in writing this short story. Most of the scenes might be familiar but I’m doing my best to share my ideas to make this story as creative as possible. I did some changes to keep the privacy of the owner of the story that I heard if ever someone who knew her would be able to read this. By the way, names and places are purely coincidental. Thank you. Happy Reading!

When I was still a young boy, my parents had been very busy when it comes to business matters. They left me in our mansion together with my yaya. I don’t have many friends of my age because I was afraid to play with them plus I’m not allowed to go outside the perimeter of our mansion too. Indeed, I end up being alone at home playing with my toys but eventually I got bored with it. Sometimes I blame belonging in the high class society because my safety, according to my parents, is always at risk. I remember when they told me that I was almost kidnapped by my own yaya when I was still a baby. Good thing, our mayordoma had been very observant about her. If not, I don’t know what could’ve happened to me. Since then, my parents had been very particular about my safety.

One day, while I played with my puppy in our garden, someone threw M&M candied chocolates at us. My puppy went near it and licked it. I did not mind it at all but I was wondering who would have the guts to throw candied chocolates at us. I mean, why waste such kind of candied chocolates right? Maybe it’s just coincidence. So, I set that thought aside. But then again, for the second time, M&Ms were thrown at us again. This time, I got curious already since it increased in number too. It may no longer be pure coincidence. I think it’s intentional already. I looked around me but I saw nothing. I roamed around the garden until I heard little giggles in the bushes. I went to the bushes and followed the sound. Based from what I heard, I can sense that it’s from a girl. I don’t want to surprise her so I approached her slowly without creating any sound that might scare her away. Besides, I got curious you know? I yearned to have a friend and maybe that was the right time. While I got nearer to her, she peeked at the bush with another batch of M&Ms but was caught off guard when I was right in front of her, face to face. Instead of shouting, she just smiled at me.

“What are you doing there little girl? Why are you throwing M&Ms at us?”

“Ummm. Nothing. I just want to play and befriend you.”

“Are you sure you want to befriend me?”

“Why not? Is there something wrong?”

“Well. I don’t have friends. You might get bored being with me.”

“Nonsense! That’s why I’m here. From now on, I’m your friend and you’re my friend.”


“No ifs. No buts. Because you’re my first friend, you’ll be my shin’yū!”


“Yes. Shin’yū. That’s the Japanese term of best friend.”

“I see. Why not use the English term?”

“Like, duh? It’s so common you know? And besides, we’re unique. So, we deserve a unique code name.”

“Whatever. Anyways, what’s your name?”

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