Chapter 2

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I stared at her for awhile not believing how my mother is acting after my dad just died
"Mom he just died and u are already forgetting about him not even the ring that he gave to you when u got engage you don't still have on your finger" my mom look up at me completely ignoring what I said.

"Why are you asking me this Mona I am the adult here
Now go to your room I have some business to take care of "

I rolled my eyes and turn to walk up stairs but before I could put my foot on the first step I heard my mom say barely above a whisper
" I need to get rid of this dam house"

I spinned back around as fast as I could nearly falling to the ground "Excuse me"

" What Mona"

"You can't do this. This is my house you can't just sell it"I yelled

"Yes I can I bought this house it is in my name. I can do whatever I want with it"

"Why can't you just leave like you always do and leave me alone I have been surviving all these years without you"

"You are still a child you cannot live by your self and yes you have been surviving you had your dad you weren't here by yourself "

" It should have been you not dad" and with that said I ran up stairs. To my room opened the door slamming it shut and locking it and jumped on my bed.

This is all a nightmare my dad is gone and my mom is now here destroying everything I have nothing left. Suddenly I heard a scratching sound on the door I slammed shut and lock moments ago. I got up from my bed and went and open it. When the door opened I look down and saw that it was only my little golden retriever Chase. My dad got him for my last birthday.

I opened the door wider so that he could come in he ran straight towards my bed and jumped on it I walked over to my bed and sat down beside where Chase layed he got up and came on to my lap I rubbed his head "At least I still got you Chase" He barked in agreement and licked at my face. He is such a puff ball when he is around he always makes me happy.

After a couple minutes of playing with Chase I heard a knock on my door "Go away" I said out loud.

"Honey it's mom please open the door we need to talk" I sat on my bed quite not saying anything and not hearing anything out side my door I stood up putting chase on the ground and approach my door I opened it revealing my mom standing there "Can we talk"
" I have nothing to say to you mom" I turned around and I closed back the door in her face not caring about what she had to say. I change my clothes and put on my pajamas and got under the covers of my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my moms car driving out the drive way. Am so glad I didn't have to face her after shutting the door in her face last night when she tried to talk to me. I just can't believe how she is acting when my dad has not even been dead a month and she is already forgetting him"I feel so lonely" I said out loud. To know one in particular .

I got out of bed because I really needed something to do or just something to take my mind off every thing that's going on. I hadn't talked to my friend Jessica since couple days after my dad died she decided to give me some space but she still text and tried to call me I just haven't picked up my phone.

I searched for my phone and decided to text her...

Mona: Hi Jess I know we haven't spoken in a while but please call or text me back. I would love to hang out if you have the time?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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