The New Situtation

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Hello, everyone.

As you may have noticed, this account has been inactive for over a good four months. The admin was away, and she felt like returning would be humiliating due to the time lost. Thus being said, she has contacted me about reforming this account and taking it over.

We have a lot of ground to cover, so please bare with me and read until the end.

The times for seasons will be changing. For now own, users will have a few months to enter their books before a one month voting season in either winter or summer. The new dates and deadlines are as follows:

Summer Awards
Submissions open- February 1st
Submissions close- May 31st
Voting starts- June 7th
Voting ends- July 7th

Winter Awards
Submissions open- August 1st
Submissions close- November 31st
Voting starts- December 7th
Voting ends- January 7th

These dates are final and any entries before or after submission periods will not be accepted. The same rules that were previously established in the guidebook are still valid, so please read over it one more time before you submit and/or vote.

The entries that were submitted for the Winter 2015 Awards will be automatically transferred into submissions for Summer 2016 Awards. If you want your book removed from the entries, contact the page immediately.

All books that won during the Summer 2015 Awards will be receiving their prizes in or before June. Please be patient, as I am the only one here and I have a lot to handle and improve.

Anyone who contacted the page within the last four months will receive a reply by the end of the week.

This page's bio will be updated soon with the new voting dates and information regarding the contests.

As I mentioned before, I am the only user of this page that was just "hired" yesterday. Therefore, I am in desperate need of admins. If you are interested in helping this account run and would like to become a (just for the time being, as I have a lot to do in these next couple months) page owner, please comment your application with the following format:

Name (or alias): Your name.

Flexibility: Number of days/hours you are on Wattpad per week.

Reputation: Any other pages you have been a part of or communities in or outside Wattpad you have participated in.

Age: How old you are.

Media: State whether or not you have a kik, instagram, and skype.

Fandoms: List all the different fandoms you consider yourself to be a part of or don't mind.

Reason: Why you want to be an admin.

That is all for now. If you apply to be an admin, you will receive a reply on or before May 16th in your inbox. This recruitment is only temporary, and there will likely not be another opportunity to become an admin in the near future.

Submissions for the Summer 2016 awards will remain closed until May 16th. The page will send out a notification on that day regarding submissions and how to submit your book.

If you have questions about your book, a previous winner, or any other specific that is not covered in the guidebook or on the main profile, comment down below or message the page.

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