~ Part IV ~

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“Stop looking at me like that, Lou.” Harry insisted, his cheeks blushing pink as his green emeralds looked over the lovesick look he was receiving from the boy opposite him. Louis rolled his eyes and looked down at the cup of tea in front of him, slowly spinning it around, his teeth nibbling onto his bottom lip. Harry could only smile at him.

“You know it makes me want to kiss you.” Harry spoke, his voice much lower as he spoke, half of him trying to be seductive while the other half of him didn’t want the people around him in the small coffee shop to hear what he was saying.

It had been a drawn out year for One Direction. Their projected album sales weren’t as successful as they had once been in the years previous. The once full isles of merchandise were now all piled into quiet corners of stores, if the stores even still sold the merchandise, and always looked like they were the last scraps. Over used photos on over used merchandising ideas was all it was. The public was tired, the management was tired, and most importantly, the boys were tired.

The last thing that management needed was to know the two band members they’d been trying to force apart in any type of interview or public scene were now dating, and had been for just under a year. It was the happiest Harry and Louis had been in years.

“It’s been a long six or seven years, the fans are getting bored, Hazz, they won’t care!” Louis tried, lowering his voice a little, too soft to cause a scene. He knew Harry was less open when it came to their relationship, partly because of how the world would react to him. Louis knew that whatever Harry said, or however carefree he seemed, there would always be that niggling paranoia inside of his mind.

“The paps follow us like crazy, waiting for us to slip up, or do something stupid, and the fans are the same! Remember how shitty Niall felt when they had those photos of him coming out of that pub falling over because he was drunk? I don’t want that to happen to us.” Harry insisted, his mind going back over all of the occasions where one of the boy’s had been caught having some sort of slip. Whether it was a drunken slip, or a harsh threat to a pap, it was all recorded and judged upon by millions.

“What’s the worst they could do? I just want to show the world how happy I am with you, I’m fed up of the rumours that follow you round, about all these models and actresses.” Louis whined, looking up at Harry with two big, sad eyes. His blue-grey eyes were two of the most honest eyes that Harry had ever had the pleasure of knowing, but that meant he didn’t like to see him sad or upset.

“I’m fed up of them too, Louis, but you’ve gotta think this through,” Harry tried again, before he was cut off by another one of Louis’ harsh coughs. He knew the kid had a habit of picking up the tiniest coughs and colds, but he’d never known him as bad as this. He simply presumed that the boy’s lack of energy caused the boy to be so ill most of the time. Even with the more hours at their homes that they were having, it still wasn’t enough. All five boys would be plucked from their homes to do some sort of press conference, not that anyone was interested anymore. They’d attend thinking they’d be answering questions about their various tours and launches, but ended up being quizzed on their personal lives, something they weren’t going to answer at the drop of a hat.

Harry leaned over and pushed the cup of tea towards the boy, noticing how even though the coughs were quiet, they had the strength to rip through the boy’s body, shaking his shoulders harshly. Louis shakily took a drink from the mug and smiled thankfully at Harry, and when the coughing fit had died down, leaving Louis’ body to calm down, he spoke up again.

“Another year, Louis. Let everything settle.” Harry spoke, his green eyes showing the reassuring promise that he knew Louis needed right now. Louis simply looked down at his mug, nodding weakly.

“I just hope whatever needs to settle, settles.” Louis spoke quietly, his eyes concentrating down on the cup of tea in front of him. His heart started to slow down its constant beating as Louis thought over what Harry was saying. He knew Harry so well, maybe he was one of the people that knew him the best, but why was he so hard to read? What did Harry think needed to settle? Their relationship, or fame? His questions were relentless.

“It will, just another year.” Harry spoke, leaning over and taking Louis’ hands in his, and they both shared a look, Harry’s smile being too contagious for Louis. The previous Christmas, after the soft kiss that was exchanged in their previous coffee shop meeting, Harry confessed to knowing all about how Louis felt about him, and also confessed to how he had been slowly falling for the older boy himself. From then on, Louis and Harry’s love lives had been completely taken over by each other, which was all they wanted.

“But what if next year is the same? What if you tell me another year, next year?” Louis quickly questioned, staring back up at Harry. He didn’t want to let this just dissolve. He knew Harry was worried, but he was worried too; he was worried for Harry.

“Louis,” Harry sighed raggedly, squeezing his hands in his large ones, “I made you a promise to meet you in this coffee shop every November 25th, now apart from the one occasion where I was late due to being mobbed, have I ever let you down?”

Louis bit on his lip and shook his head. He had to hand it to the curly haired boy, he was right. Harry continued to look at him, with that reassuring lop sided smile.

“Another year, and it’ll come out, and it’ll be perfect. I promise.” Harry spoke, and Louis couldn’t help but smile widely at his boyfriend. Harry had been Louis’ best friend for years, and now, he was starting to prove himself to be the best boyfriend as well.

“This day, next year? We’ll make it official?” Louis asked quietly, his eyes sparkling with hope, only reflecting his tone of voice. Harry tilted his head with a wide smile.

“Why the hell not? This day, next year. I promise.” The curly haired boy replied, and Louis couldn’t help but giggle in excitement, causing Harry to squeeze his hands as a way of cooing over the man opposite him. He was still that beautiful eighteen year old deep down inside, and Harry lived off those little, precious moments when they would show. If anything, Harry craved seeing Louis wrapped up in little scarves and jogging bottoms, being his silly self. It just seemed to make Harry’s life lighter.

“I can’t wait! I’m not going to be able to sleep for months!” Louis laughed, and Harry rolled his green eyes playfully.

“Twelve months, exact.” Harry replied, with a nod of his head, and Louis gave another unmanly giggle of excitement. The two leaned in to exchange a kiss, before realising where they were, and gave it up, leaning back in their chairs, and deciding on exchanging a wide smile between them instead.

A/N: Next installment! It'll all be finished soon!:) Enjoy!<3

Another Year, Louis. [A Larry Stylinson Oneshot.]Where stories live. Discover now