
41 6 3

A worm of doubt burrows deep

Into my core, searching for seeds

That contain all I may cherish;

The people I love, my hobbies,

My personality, my sense of self,

All being eaten away

by a micro pipsqueak,                                                                                                                                                   A low-level curr!

As I stumble through the streets,

A low hung harvest moon watching,

Stares in awe at my crippled ability

To set a course for my home.

It laughs, for it knows where to go,

Unlike my body, which begins to lose

Any control. Limbs transform into

Unpredictable jungle beasts.

All because of one simple worm,

Eating away at my apple soul.

This is an old project that I am posting mostly as I found it.  It probably isn't finished, but I have no idea what to do about this poem.  Any suggestions or ideas, please let me know!

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