The Dead Escape

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"Mommy we are not going to make it."

The mother covers her son's mouth and they countinue to crawl.The fire touches the end of the mother's dress,She felt the heat then decided to go in one of the side vents until the fire was over. She quickly put out her dress and pulled her son in and the fire went pass them blazing,scorching the son's skin.

"Oww! Mommy my skin!"

The mother quickly got in front of the son and blocked him from the heat

"My Son,please be strong for mommy ok?"

The son nods and closes his eyes from being exhausted and fell asleep.The mother watched the fire as it went by.


 The mother looks at her son then looks up and notices the fire is gone. She slightly slid her hand out onto the hot metal and crawled out then turns around and shakes her son.

"My son,awake we are going to leave this undescribing place now."

Danny shakes his head and opens his eyes to look at his mother and grins evily.

"No mother, i stay and you must leave me here alone with my master.' 

The mother's eyes widen and she backs away from her son.

"Danny we must leave now ,you have no master here and you're not going to stay here,I demand you to come with me now!" 

Danny scowls and lets out a loud screech  and grabs her hair pulling her down onto the hot metal and climbing ontop of her ripping off her dress and running his tounge in between her breast. She looks up at him and pushes him away. Danny's mouth begins to bleed and he schreechs at her again and pounces on her and sinks his teeth into her neck ripping off pieces of her skin. The mother screams and punches her son in his face and crawls quickly to an ending part of the vent and sees her husband. 

"Chris! Help me!" 

Chris looks in the vent and sees his wife and pulls open the vent.

"Hurry my love!"

Sandra crawls quickly and makes it out and takes the vent piece and pushes it against the vent . 

"What about our son where is he?"

Chris scowls and grabs Sandra

'I don't know but we have to find him."

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