Tortured Within

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Charlie and Tony are two different people. But they both have something in common; their both being tortured within. The memories from their past are slowly killing them inside.

But those memories are what help bring the two together. Tony, who has a toddler named Layla, is in search of a full time nanny for her. Charlie sees the job as way to hopefully put her life back together again. Soon the two realize they aren't so different. And with the help of others they can save each other.


New story. Not about One Direction. I wanted to write one about my favorite band, Pierce The Veil and thought this was an ok plot. The description sucks, I know, but once I actually start writing it I might think of a better one. That is if I get enough reads and votes on it.

It is a Tony Perry fanfcition, the rest of PTV will not always show up in it.

I probably wont start writing this until after HIASW is finished and TN is caught up.

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