c h a p t e r : 3

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"Oh, that boy's a slag
The best you ever had
The best you ever had
Is just a memory and those dreams
Not as daft as they seem
Not as daft as they seem
My love, when you dream them up"
-Fluorescent Adolescent, Arctic Monkeys

"How much stuff could you possibly have?"

"It's a big apartment, Lil."

Lilli stopped and dropped the heavy cardboard that she was bringing out to the moving truck. She laid her hands on her hips and gave Jade a look.

"I don't understand why you're still doing this. Even after what happened..."

"Lilli, look, I love you, seriously, I do, but I have a job that I work at everyday to make enough money to live in places like this." Jade threw one hand out gesturing to the apartment building that was her home for a year. "And it helps me provide for your lazy ass, since you haven't gone to work for nearly a month. Plus our branch that's located in Starling City isn't doing too well. Bruce, my boss and yours, told me to move to Starling City, so that's where I'm going."

"But what about the whole jumping thing."

Jade froze there and stood there in silence. "What jumping thing?"

"It happened Jade. Stop acting like it didn't."

Jade stayed silent as she loaded the box into the back of the truck.

Lilli groaned and picked up the box she had previously set down. If only somebody strong and fast helped them...

Jade told Lilli that she was giving her the apartment and letting her keep the furniture, except the big screen TV, which was a pretty big blow. Lilli decided she would have to go back to work fairly soon so she could save up for the big screen TV. Life without Netflix is not a life well lived.

"What's so great about Starling City, huh?"

"Not this again, Lilli, please."

Lilli groaned even louder as she set the heavy box down in the back of the truck.

"One more trip," Jade told Lilli when she had caught up to her.

They walked back to the apartment and debated whether or not Jade should move to Starling City.

The two women carried the final boxes down to the moving truck. Jade stood on her tiptoes and reached up to bring the back door of the truck down. She slammed her hand on the side of the truck and the driver started up the vehicle. The man in the front seat drove off and rounded a corner leaving Lilli's line of sight. Jade turned to take a look at her younger sister

 "I'm really sorry that I have to go."

"Yeah sure that's what you said last time, and I didn't see you for nearly two years."

"I'll come and visit Lil, Central and Starling are closer than Central and Gotham."

Jade gave Lilli a small almost unidentifiable smile. "I'll miss you little sister."

Lilli crossed her arms like an angry teenager as Jade hopped into the front seat of her Ferrari. "Love you Jade."

"Yeah, yeah, love you too. By the way I have an early birthday present coming in for you. It should be here by tomorrow." Jade pulled her Ray Bans over her eyes and peered over her shoulder, the engine revved.

"Get a job, meet a cute guy, I don't know, call me if you need anything." Jade gave Lilli a half assed wave and tore out of the parking lot.


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