1) Waking Up Like a Boss

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Being the daughter of the 3rd most powerful Alpha in the world can be stressful. People tend to expect more of you. For instance, when I wake up you would imagine a person who wakes up beautifully and dances around to "Perfect Day" by Huko while getting ready for the day.

But no. I could NEVER wake up like that. Even if I tried. I go on a flipping rampage in the mornings. My hair looks like a yak and I'm in a bad mood, which causes me to have a temper tantrum while getting ready. And when I'm finished I fall into my bed and sleep until I'm late. I love my sleep. Don't judge or I'll knaw your arm. 

So this morning was one of those days where I freaking hate everything and want to throw a chair at someone's face. But sadly, I cannot sleep in for it is a school day. My alarm rings very loudly like it's screaming "SPARTA!!!!!" in my ear. I groggily get up and walk around my room, getting dressed while whining at everything. For example, taking off my pj's......."ugh". Finding an awesome outfit......"Ugh". Putting it on......"GAAHH". Walking to the bathroom......."GAARAAAHHHSADS!". And doing all the details in the bathroom........"AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH UGH AG GAAAAHHH!!!!!!". 

"sonoffaGRAPE.....!", I murmered. The stupid hairbrush got stuck in my thick brown curls. When I finally got my, now broken, brush untangled from my locks, it was time to give myself a pep talk. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl with long brown curls, mocha skin, full lips, and eyes of emerald. I took a deep breath, stared straight into my eyes and said, "Alright Dawn, you're a college student now. Don't freak out, and stay awesome. Okay cool.".  Oh wait, Let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Dawn Cimpson, and I am 19 years old. I used to live in Montana (of all places) with my pack, Energía de la flor de luna. But Energía for short. You can look up what that means, but I will say that it's girly which is why we keep it in Spanish form. 

Today was the day that I moved on to collegel. Yippee! I got to admit, I'm pretty scared about this. What if they're all big fat meanies who have sticks up their butts? Oh well, I hope they're not, because I have problems with those kinds of people. And the solutions to those problems involve awesome pranks and a bunch of sassiness from moi. I thought to myself, 'Better make this experience count, or die trying.', and proceeded to meet my parents and the rest of my pack downstairs. 

I was originally going to Montana State University, but since we moved to Alaska, I'm now enrolled in University of Alaska to keep close to my pack. I had all my things packed up and had them all ready in the car. Don't get me wrong, I still had some things left in my room because.....heh.....I might visit a lot. Okay so I need to hurry up so I can make orientation. 

I ran downstairs and grabbed some bread from the counter. My parents were sitting in the living room with Dad's beta, Jordan. It looked like they were all waiting for me so naturally, I took my time. When I slowly walked into the room, Jordan exclaimed "Finally! After all these years, you've decide to join us!" "Well, we gotta get going in order to make it in time to start setting your room up." , my dad said while looking at his watch. I did a quick check in my mind if I packed everything. "Oops, I forgot something, I'll be right back!" I said while making my way up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and went to the dresser. I grabbed my weremoon necklace.

When a werewolf is first born, the moon goddess makes a necklace that has a special symbol on it. The symbol lights up and glows when you've found your mate, but even if you don't have your necklace on at the time you feel the need to be near that one person. I believe it is a very smart thing to have because now everyone has mixed feelings about each other or recieve blurred lines. I haven't found my mate yet but I really don't care at this point. I'm waiting  until I'm finished with my studies to find my mate. So for now, I'm enjoying my unique necklace. The symbol on it is of a multicolored flower with  gold streaks around it, but it has no stem.

I went downstairs with the necklace in my hand and motioned to my parents that we could go now. We got in my dad's BMW and drove 3 hours to downtown. The ride was long and boring but I suprisingly made it through. I think it was because I fell asleep halfway through the ride. We jerked to a stop in front of University of Alaska and it was pretty big. It looked so solemn with its gray walls and black windows, but I could see that it was a rather lively place due to the many people around. My parents helped get my bags out of the car while I went inside to the front desk to find out where I would be staying. 'Well', I thought. 'This is it. This is the beginning'

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