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Four years after the London-Chicago accident, Arthur Fisk was released from prison. He had ten bucks, a ratty apartment issued by the county, and no one to welcome him. It was quiet. It was home.

Arthur had successfully made it three weeks out of jail unnoticed, until that Monday. Around 10:30 am, his cell phone rang.

He simply stared at it, not comprehending what it meant. Finally, at the last second, he picked it up.


"Arthur?" A quiet, hesitant female asked. "It's me, Karla."

Arthur froze. Karla. Karla Bragsten. His college love. The last time they had a true conversation, she was explaining all the reasons she would not defend him in court. Mostly, she valued her job more than his freedom.

Arthur swallowed hard. "Hello, Karla." His voice cracked. "What do you want?"

A deep sigh came through the speaker. "To talk."

She proceeded to tell him how sorry she was. It wasn't entirely her choice to betray him, she said. She seemed to fear for her job, and therefore feared for the safety of her younger siblings. As an orphan, Karla had to care for her younger brothers and sisters. Her job was the only source of income. Without it, they would've all starved and lost their home. So she denied Arthur's story. After that, she was too ashamed to visit Arthur aside from on his birthday. And now that he had been released, Karla hoped to reunite, and to apologize.

As she concluded her story, Arthur stayed silent. He couldn't speak if he wanted to. Between hearing her voice again and the things she said, he wasn't sure if he should be forgiving or angry.

"Arthur?" Karla tapped her fingers nervously. "I understand if you don't want to talk to me. Just say the word and I'll hang up. Just please know that I missed you while you were gone, and--" she paused and sighed. "I'm sorry. Best of luck to you. Take care of yourself."

Arthur's head spun and heart hurt. As much as he hated to admit it, she still got to him. Her voice still made his heart flutter; still made him forget what was going on.

He heard the phone brush her cheek as she moved to hang up the phone.

"Wait!" He pleaded before cringing in regret. Breathing deeply, he continued,  "don't go. Please. I want to see you."

Karla drew a sharp breath. "After all I've done?"

Arthur smiled softly. "After anything."

For a few moments, there was silence. Finally, Karla whispered, "When?"


Karla's heart lurched with anxiety and excitement. "Park on South Street?"

"I'll be there," Arthur smiled.

Karla hung up the phone and giggled. "He wants to see me!"

Meanwhile, Arthur was trying to talk himself out of it.

"That girl's trouble," he told himself. "She doesn't care for you, so why should you be merciful and forgiving to her? She doesn't deserve you."

He shook his head hard. ", I won't listen. It's been almost four years; maybe she's changed."



Upon arriving at the park, Arthur had no problems finding Karla. Her bright red ponytail was a dead giveaway. His heart thumped unevenly in his chest. He wasn't sure what would come first--greeting her, or collapsing from  a heart attack. All he knew is that he hadn't felt this good in years.

He walked toward her shyly. "Hello."

Kayla jumped up eagerly and nearly ran to give him a hug--before she realized how inappropriate the timing was.

"Arthur! You came! I wasn't sure if you would really come. I mean I know you said you would, but you really didn't have to after all I've done, and this park has so many mixed memories both bad and good, and I wasn't sure if you'd want to come--"

As she rattled on and on, Arthur had to smile. Karla always talked a lot when she was nervous--a trait she apparently hadn't lost over the years.

After a few more moments of her babbling, Arthur interrupted, "Karla! It's good to see you too."

She froze, then smiled and ran into his open arms. "Sorry, I know I was rambling. It's just been so long, I wasn't sure if you'd still like me."

Arthur pulled back before she could start talking again. "I'll always like you. Although 'like' might not be the word I would've chosen, it works for now."

A surge of relief flooded through Karla. "That's good. Although--" her smile faded before she limply dropped her arms to her side. "I actually shouldn't be here. If Gray catches me with you, he'll fire me and my siblings will starve. I'm sorry," she whimpered, tears filling her eyes. "I'm glad I got to see you, but we can't do this again. "

Arthur came slamming down from his emotional high. "Karla, there are ways--places we can go where he can't find us. You don't have to spend your life hiding from that stinking Marcus Gray. Besides, five minutes isn't very long to catch up after four years, wouldn't you agree?"

She turned so he couldn't see her tears. "Yes, but we can't. At least, not until things cool off and Gray stops hunting for you."

Grabbing Karla's shoulder, Arthur whipped her around. With as much love as he could muster, he looked deep into her eyes. "Karla, I will always come back for you. I don't care if we had a rough few years. Every roller coaster goes down a few times, but it always ends up being an adventure. I will find a way for us to be together, and I promise, your siblings will be safe."

Karla just shook her head and ran to her car, sobbing. She jumped in and slammed the door, not daring to look back up.

As she wiped away her tears, a voice behind her spoke.

"Well done, Bragsten. Couldn't have done it better myself."

The man's strong cologne assaulted her nose. She'd recognize that scent anywhere. But at least it wasn't unexpected. No, she was fully aware that the man had been watching the entire exchange from her car. It was no surprise to her, but it wasn't okay with her, either.

Glaring through the rear view mirror, Karla's eyes flashed angrily. "Shut up, Marcus."

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