An Epilogue: That night

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   That night was a happy one for the campers. It marked a new start for many relationships; Jessica and the others wanted to try their friendships again. For dinner, all of the campers pushed the tables together so they could sit as one united group. No one felt alone, no one was left out. Part way through dinner, Jessica was tackled into a bear hug by Leo and Calypso (along with their two children) Will and Nico also made sure to check in on her quite a few times throughout the night. They tried to stay angry at her but it wasn't long before they let her off the hook. One of the high points of the night though was when a sheepish James approached both Jessica and Michael. At first everyone held their breath, all conversation stopped. Then, after quietly saying two words, James shook out his hand to Jessica. Despite the simplicity of his apology, James was forgiven by Michael and Jessica; both of whom realized how hard it must have been for James to apologize. No relationship was fixed perfectly, but paths were paved so that everyone had an opportunity to grow closer. None of the campers or adults were happier than Michael and Jessica though. For the first time since before they had arrived, the two siblings felt safe and loved. And more importantly, they were together, and that was all that matter to the two of them.
   The happiness felt at camp was not universal though. Certain gods and goddesses were spending their nights mulling over emotions. Some felt worried about what the future held for Jessica. Others didn't care about the details of the future, so long as she suffered in it. They felt angry and humiliated; a simple 15 year old had managed to evade death. And this death would have happened as part of plan made by three certain immortals; she escaped it. They vowed revenge on her. But even the angriest of gods knew that there was something special about the demigod who's identity had only recently been discovered. This realization of how different she was scared these gods. And because of that fear and anger that they felt, the same night that festivities were held at camp, certain immortals were beginning to plot against the previously unclaimed hunter of Artemis.

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