Why Us?

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"Lahabiel, it's time." My mother called softly as I looked up from my bowl of cereal.

"Okay mother" Mustering up the little courage I still had , I walked towards our front door to see to buff looking men. They radiated power, they had to be vampires.

"Are you Lahabiel Trainer?" I nodded slowly looking back at me brother and sisters who stood hiding behind my mother. "Come with us." Nodding again I followed them to a giant moving truck, they opened the back of the ruck and I saw at least twenty teenage hybrids. They weren't sitting on seat's like I thought, they where shoved into small dog like cages and could barely move.

"Getting in you mutt!" One of the guards growled, swallowing the huge lump in my throat I got down on my hand and knees and backed up into the cage. Once I was all the way in the shut the door and locked it shut.

Soon the truck was moving, many of the younger hybrids where crying or saying there tails are getting pinched. I just stayed quiet, I knew it wouldn't end well if they had to deal with thirty crying hybrids. Suddenly the truck came to a halt, and not ten minutes later the back opened to reveal Lexi and Jack. Jack and Lexi spot me together, Lexi just looks sad while Jack looks furious. They open up to cages, Lexi gets into the one next to me without to much fuss, Jack is a different story.

"Get in you disgusting piece of shit" He shoved Jack forward but all that did was anger him more. Turning around quickly he punched one of them in the face before the other one grabbed both his hands and forced them behind Jack's back, though that didn't really stop him from trying to attack them. His fight only lasted about five minutes before they had his hands tied up and him sedated before throwing him in another cage. Once they checked to make sure we where all situated, they shut the door and the truck started up once again.

"Lacy, whats gonna happen to us?" Lexi asked shakily tilting her head to look at me.

"I don't know Lexi, I don't know" I looked around at all the other hybrids, there where many different types of hybrids anywhere from tiger's to mice and rat ones. Turning my head around I saw a white tail like mine and big white wolf ears. An albino wolf, I'd never seen one before, then again there weren't many albino foxes and I had a cousin who was albino. "Hey, you." The ears twitched and the person lifted there head, it was a young girl with blonde hair and nice features.

"What?" the girl mumbled, that when I realized her hands where tied behind her back just like Jacks.

"What happened to you?" I asked concerned.

"Let's just say I don't like leaving my pack mates, especially my twin." Wait twin, doesn't that mean they'd be here.

"Where's your twin?" Pain flashed across her face quickly.

"My parent died two years ago, it was me my twin Matt and out four younger siblings. When they came to take me and Matt, they realized they couldn't take us both, and considering that females sell better they took me instead of my brother." Her tail wrapped around her and her ears dropped. She looked at me, "Whats your story?"

"I had to go, I realized they more I behaved the easier it would be to go back to my family and siblings." She nodded slowly, "So what's you name?"

"Brooke, you?"

"Lahabiel, or Lacy If you don't want to say the whole thing." She smiled softly and nodded before the truck came to another stop. The door opened to reveal the two guys who had taken me away from my family earlier.

"Anyone who say's a word will be punished once you are moved to you're new cages" He talks as if we are animals, I mean I know we are part animal but we are still human. They began unloading hybrids and taking them places, when It was my turn they grabbed my cage and carried it into a dark cell with four collars attached to the wall with thick chains. Suddenly the cage door opened and I was pulled out of the cage and a collar was placed around my neck.

Possibly thirty minutes later the other three collars where placed around three more necks, Lexi was across from me, Brook was next to me and they had untied her hands. Next to Lexi was a mouse hybrid named Steph. Soon we were left alone with the promise that things would change tomorrow, I hope it wasn't that bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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