(1) Reuniting

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I awoke to light pouring in through the window, i groaned not wanting to be awake quite yet. But reluctantly I sat up anyway, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes i looked around. My empty bed filled my heart with longing for Hisoka, but i knew he would return soon. Jumping out of my bed, I headed to the bathroom. The mirror revealed my messy hair, and the bags that hung under my eyes. I hadn't been sleeping to very much, and training a lot. I had strengthened my nen and physical ability a lot, and even worked out some new moves I'd like to try out. I was hoping to impress Hisoka with them when he returned, but hes likely grown a lot himself. "Veladandra!" My Aunt yelled to me, "There is someone on the Telephone for you!" 

"I'll be there in a minute, thank you." I responded, while flattening my wild hair. I sighed then headed out of my room, going towards the living room. "Who is it?" I asked my Aunt while taking the phone from her. She only grinned at me before walking away, i gave her a curious look but ignored her. I lifted the phone to my ear, and immediately a voice could be heard on the other side.

"Why hello there darling, have you missed me these past few months?" The voice said calmly, causing a shiver to run down my spine. But a smile to appear on my face, and a tear to crawl down from my eye. 

"Hello," I began softly, "I have missed you, I've missed you quite dreadfully... Hisoka my dear." My heart was pounding at the sound of his voice, this was only the second call that we had made in this time apart. The previous call was made by me, and didn't last very long as he was busy. Though i was skeptical of what he was doing as it was nearly midnight, but i trust him so let it go. I could hear that he had a mix of excitement in his voice, so he had probably just got done fighting. I cringed slightly as i heard a women in the background saying something about money. If I found out that it was for something dirty I was going to kill him!

"I'll transfer it to your account," Hisoka responded to her, "As for you dear, your going to be joining me here." I could tell he was grinning without seeing his face, and it made me grin to. I wondered though where is it that i would be going? And why was he so excited about it?

"Hey, Hisoka? Who's the chick in the background, and why are you paying her?" I asked, completely ignoring my other curiosities.

"Ohh, are you jealous again Vela darling?" 


"Aw, how cute. You are!" His voice was filled with mockery and it only pissed me off further, but before i could say anything else he continued. "Don't worry, that's only Machi our times together have come and gone already. She's simply a work associate. I was paying her to sow back on my arms with her nen." I widened my eyes and just stayed silent, not really knowing what to say or ask. There was a lot of information to process in that. I looked over to the kitchen where my Aunt stood staring at me, she shrugged and i shrugged back. "I sent an airship ticket your Aunt should have it. Don't bother packing I'll buy you new things, you leave immediately." And with that he hung up, i put the phone back and looked at my Aunt again. She had a grin on her face, and pulled out the ticket from her pocket. 

"Goodbye sweetie, be safe." My aunt said as she walked up to me, she grabbed my hand in hers and looked me in the eyes."If that Hisoka boy gives you any trouble just tell me ok, ill take care of it," I laughed and nodded.

"Yes Aunty, I promise I'll tell you," We shared another laugh, and she planted a kiss on my forehead.

*Time Skip*

I arrived in a new city after a few hours on the airship, looking around the city was pretty nice. And in the middle there was a huge tower. I smile brightly while looking around for something to indicate where i should go, when i see and ace of spades in the alley behind me. I skipped to it and grabbed it, on the back it said "Heavens Arena"  in Hisoka's handwriting. I turned back to the tower, I'd figure that would be Heavens Arena. The streets were crowded it would be bit difficult to get there at top speed, unless she found a different route. She grinned before vaulting in top of a nearby building, and speeding one by one across them towards the tower. She could hear startled gasps below her at first, but she figured they couldn't really see her after that. Her speed had increased to the point where a trained eye would have to be trying in order to see her. The scenery blurred by as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop, and she quickly arrived at the base of the arena. Walking inside i was incredibly impressed, the place was astonishing and huge. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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