Chapter 2: Arrival of the warden child

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A/N: Olla~! Here's the second chapter I promised. This occurred about 9 months after the last chapter. Oh and I forgot to mention in the last chapter that this happened before the warden goes to Amaranthine. So sorry for all the typos and grammatical errors :P

Special thanks to those who first read my story for the reviews and the advices, you guys are so awesome~! Anyway, thanks again for having the interest on reading~! Thanks so much ^^

As always, your reviews, comments and constructive criticisms are very welcome. Enjoy everyone~! ^^

A Piece of you


Now with an enormous belly, Aenna's pregnancy was proving to be a difficult one. Under Wynne's advice, she has been staying more indoors in the past 3 months, which seemed to favor her plan to keep the pregnancy a secret considering who fathered her child. One by one, her friends and former companions come by and visit, stating that they would stay until the baby is born, even the famed 'witch of the wilds' that accompanied her during the blight dropped by and shared an intriguing information…

Chapter 2: Arrival of the Warden Child

Divine melody resonated through the air, elvhen words slipping out of Aenna's lips; she softly caressed her now huge belly as she sang. Her son is growing big every day inside her tummy; Wynne said she'd give birth soon. It was a difficult pregnancy, there were times that she was really starved and there were times that she felt she couldn't bear to eat even a single grain, as a result she was tired all the time, so despite her reluctance to stay inside her room and avoid stressing herself with grey warden business, Aenna heeded Wynne's advice to rest until the child is born. Knowing that the older woman knows what's best for her son.

As Aenna finished the song, a gentle knock came from her door then a woman entered, a couple of familiar figures following behind her, "M'lady, a woman named Leliana and a dwarf named Oghren are here to see you." Aenna's eyes gleamed when she heard the names; she has been expecting Oghren to arrive due to certain official businesses. The cloister sister's arrival however was a pleasant surprise.

A red-haired woman with a basket full of fruits in hand and a dwarf with a braided beard entered as the servant exited and closed the door. "By the ancestors, you've become huge woman!" Oghren exclaimed when he saw Aenna's belly. A chuckle escaped Aenna's lips on her dwarven friend's remark. It is odd how her tiny frame carried such a heavy load.

"How are you feeling?" Leliana's soft voice said as she lowered her basket on the table near the door. "I'm much better than I have been in days, especially because the nausea subsided a little." Aenna replied, a small smile on her lips. The sister approached her then held her hand out, hovering above Aenna's pregnant belly "May I?" Leliana asked. Aenna just nodded and watched as Leliana's soft fingers touched her belly. Both of the women's lips curled up into a warm smile as the baby in Aenna's belly gave a small kick as if to say hello to his aunt. "Oh I hope you'd give birth soon!" Leliana giggled excitedly as she removed her hand and continued, "I will definitely be here when the babe comes."

Aenna's looked at her friend with surprise plain on her auburn eyes, "You'll stay?" It wasn't unknown to Aenna that Leliana returned to the chantry and continued to serve the maker. Based on the last letter Leliana sent her before the news of her pregnancy; Leliana was very busy with chantry work, though the nature of the job is unknown to her. And since Leliana's busy, Aenna didn't expect she'd stay until she gives birth, the woman's visit was already a surprise on its own.

The red haired woman nodded, "Yes, Oghren and I met on the way here; he says he's here on an official warden business from amaranthine. Didn't fool me though, in spite all his denial, he also wants to welcome the baby boy." Leliana said with a smirk.

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