02: Brabble Two

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She was the girl always causing trouble; and in her is the immense like for anything near mischievous. But she will always be best known as Linnea.

Everyone knew she had a mental illness unbeknownst to usual categories, it was far from the hook, and her sickness was herself alone. Linnea have had problems concerning her brain work, and since then it was considered - somehow - as a unique trait.

But being entirely fond of attention was considered abnormal; for having at least the tinge dosage from anyone capable of giving her this was ate Linnea's token for granted. Without giving her attention, there will be no normal her.

She was wholly diverse in many ways whenever we play spot the same using humans; thus ate Linnea would currently be of nothing near the same with all of us. Ate Linnea was loud, overly-fond of sweets labeled as attention, and many more aspirations of what I called were weird.

And in due time, ate Linnea would peer the whole of her face in front of the identifying glass of my fortress of a door. Her visit once again was out of permission. The identifying glass denying her request for entrance, but I overridden the system under my two thumb prints and had let her in my quarters.

I stayed sedentarily here.

As soon as she made way though, her tone crafted in pure glee caught me off guard. My room is usually silent all day, but with her, it never was.

"How could you live in such quarters without lights?" she asked with the hint of asking permission.

I was made to live in such state, I answered sulkily to ate Linnea.

Ate Linnea turned sharply to face my void as she stated, "With the mouth the heart speaks."

Your statement sounded out of context.

"Of course it is out." Ate Linnea then laughed to herself, I only shook my head of her nonsensical humor.

And the lights flickered above head: I hate lights.

"The people of light should stay hidden from darkness."

You sound twice out of the book.

And again, ate Linnea laughed humorously with every bit of delight. I only frowned deeper of her nonsensical humor.

Why did you come again?

"I got caught manipulating Mr. Head of Resources. I wanted the rice they called brown kind. I've had tasted it once, and knew that we were meant to be."

How did you cook the brown kind?

"I manipulated Head of Chef. He was really convincible. And we ate together. He also talked about his life, and some events he did that I didn't think was him who'd done it, though."

How did it tasted?

"Are you not going to ask using your mouth, Nad? Anyways, he talked about this - "

Did it taste good, ate Linnea?

"I remembered too the one I've manipulated on, he was tall and brawny. The guard at your door - "
Ate Linnea -

"Did you forgot the tests though, the topic seemed pretty - " she went on and on, getting off topics by an instant.

Ate Linnea, I thought firmly. And by the statement, she looked up and saw in an abrupt manner what I mean to tell her.

"I went over the board, have I?" ate Linnea tenderly asked while rubbing her left wrist very roughly - it was a definite sign of nervousness that she would usually do.

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